
No Progress On Who Malta’s Next President Will Be

No Progress On Who Malta's Next President Will Be
Mar 6 2024 Share

According to sources close to the discussions informed Times of Malta that talks regarding Malta’s next president have hit a standstill. 

Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition Leader Bernard Grech had a brief meeting last week, where they barely discussed potential candidates, leading to minimal progress. 

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

No subsequent meetings have occurred, and it remains uncertain if any have been scheduled.

With less than a month until the new president is sworn in, Abela and Grech have yet to agree on a successor to George Vella. 

Opposition MPs have vowed to block any politician who served in Joseph Muscat’s 2017 cabinet, including Helena Dalli, from assuming the presidency. 

This stance stems from the findings of the Daphne Caruana Galizia public inquiry implicating certain individuals in the journalist’s murder.

The lack of consensus between the government and the opposition complicates the selection process. Despite reports suggesting Dalli as a potential candidate, neither the government nor the opposition has confirmed any decisions. 

Both sides declined to comment on the ongoing discussions or the possibility of an impasse.

Under constitutional amendments made in 2020, Malta’s next president must secure a two-thirds majority approval from MPs. Any official announcements regarding the presidency will only be made once an agreement is reached between the government and the opposition.


Diet Drinks May Increase Risk Of Heart Conditions By 20%

Diet Drinks May Increase Risk Of Heart Conditions By 20%
Mar 6 2024 Share

A recent study found that consuming two liters or more of artificially sweetened beverages per week increases the risk of atrial fibrillation (A-fib) by 20%, while the intake of added-sugar beverages raises the risk by 10%. 

Conversely, drinking approximately four ounces of unsweetened juices is associated with an 8% lower risk of A-fib. This risk association persists even after considering genetic susceptibility to the condition. 

Penny Kris-Etherton, an American Heart Association nutrition committee member, emphasizes the need for further research on the health consequences of sweetened beverages, advocating for water as the best choice in the meantime.

Atrial fibrillation affects approximately 40 million people globally, with 6 million in the United States alone. Symptoms include chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, and fatigue, but the condition can also be symptomless. 

However, early detection allows for effective treatment through medications, lifestyle changes, and surgeries. A-fib is the leading cause of stroke in the United States, with strokes associated with A-fib often being more severe. Therefore, awareness of A-fib symptoms and timely medical intervention are crucial in mitigating its potentially fatal consequences.


AI Imagines Malta When Social Media Was Down

AI Imagines Malta When Social Media Was Down
Mar 6 2024 Share

After Facebook and Instagram went down for around two hours, local photographer Jonathan Brincat shared an image generated through artificial intelligence attempting to capture what it must have felt like for many to lose access to the platforms. 

The image shows a massive crowd losing its collective mind as access to the social media pages was curtailed. 

In the background? Traditional Maltese buildings, churches and a fountain, back-dropped by cranes. 

‘The only prompt I gave AI was to recreate a scene in Malta’, explained Jonathan. ‘What came up was Cranes, Churches and Old Balconies. The idea behind the image was to show today’s situation of people without social media.’


6 Months Sentence For Match Fixing By Former Committee Member

6 Months Sentence For Match Fixing By Former Committee Member
Mar 5 2024 Share

Former Attard FC committee member Rudgear Scerri, aged 24, was initially sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for four, and fined €50,000 for match-fixing. 

Scerri admitted to manipulating an amateur league match between Attard FC and Kalkara FC in December 2020 and failing to report it to the police. However, following an appeal by the Attorney General, his sentence was increased. 

The Court of Criminal Appeal, led by Mr. Justice Neville Camilleri, upheld the appeal, stating that under the Prevention of Corruption in Sport Act, a prison sentence was mandatory for match-fixing. 

Consequently, Scerri was sentenced to six months in prison and banned from attending any sporting events for ten years, with perpetual general interdiction. 

Despite Scerri’s clean record and early plea, the court deemed the increased punishment necessary in accordance with the law. The match-fixing scandal also had repercussions for Attard FC, which was stripped of nine points, fined €1,000, and barred from international tournaments for five years.
