
No petrol for over half of UK’s 8000 fuel pumps following Brexit panic-buys

No petrol for over half of UK’s 8000 fuel pumps following Brexit panic-buys
Sep 27 2021 Share

The Petrol Retailers Association in Britain claims that around half of the country’s 8000 fuel pumps ran out of petrol on Sunday, with desperate drivers forming long queues to fill up tanks. Following panic-buying of motor fuel on Monday and a shortage of lorry drivers due to COVID and BREXIT, the government has been reportedly prompted to use the army to make deliveries. 

Brian Madderson, PRA chairman, told the BBC that shortages were down to panic buying ‘pure and simple.’ Business Secretary Kwasi Karteng said he suspended oil industry competition laws to ensure suppliers can ‘share vital information and work together more effectively to ensure disruption is minimised.’ 

This comes as UK media sources report that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering using soldiers to deliver fuel to petrol stations across the nation. Military assistance was not ruled out when Transport Secretary Grant Shapps was asked over the weekend. 


Photo Source: Shell, CNN

Door-to-door garbage collection will definitely continue says environment minister

Door-to-door garbage collection will definitely continue says environment minister
Sep 27 2021 Share

Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia revealed to newsroom The Malta Independent that door-to-door garbage collection will definitely continue. This comes after the Local Council’s Association proposing a gradual move towards a point-based waste collection system. This would introduce a network of public waste containers above and/or below ground grouped up according to national waste separation strategy. 

The minister said that he is not pleased with the current waste collection system across the island. He pointed out however that the government developed a very ambitious long-term waste management plan for 2030, which is already approved by cabinet and does not include this plan to end door-to-door pick up. 

The Malta Independent was informed that the government’s plan is to move away from local council waste management to regional council waste management. This is a proposal with which, allegedly, the LCA had agreed. Farrugia also noted that Malta reached recycling records for the first time in 22 years. 


Reactions to Castaldi Paris bluffing to Yorgen Fenech about £16 million London mansion

Reactions to Castaldi Paris bluffing to Yorgen Fenech about £16 million London mansion
Sep 27 2021 Share

It has been revealed that a series of text messages in which Labour MP Ian Castaldi Paris boasted with suspect Yorgen Fenech about having a £16 million mansion and three London properties were all bluff. Yesterday, the MP admitted to having dreamed up a lofty claim he made to Fenech of being a high-flying property investor in London. This came after MaltaToday approached him over chases he had with Fenech in September of 2019, two months after his arrest in connection with Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination. 

Castaldi told the newspaper that ‘it was pure bluff from [his] end’. He admitted to having no property neither in London nor anywhere in the world, going as far to say that it was ‘stupid from [his] end.’ The matter escalated however as Castaldi Paris admitted to informing authorities about the chats just to ensure that no investigation is launched into the matter. 

Without revealing the authorities in question, Castaldi Paris revealed these to be bluff SMSes. The chats revealed that Paris had known about the £3.1 million Mdina villa sold to Tumas magnate Yorgen Fenech in September 2019, having chatted with him just days after signing on the promise-of-sale agreement. Paris revealed he knew of the deal because he knew Joe Camilleri. 

Fenech had initiated the conversation with Paris, telling him that his ‘Uncle Ray’ informed him that he had been a contender for the villa. He said that he had no idea, otherwise he would have never moved on it. Following the news, the reactions poured in criticising Paris’ actions. 

Most notably, independent MP Arnold Cassola asked whether Paris lied about the Rosianne Cutajar affair. Quoting his recent admission, Cassola put into question claims by Paris that he and his family had been threatened twice in connection with Rosianne Cutajar. He asks; ‘is Castaldi Paris an immature liar and attention seeker or is he so scared of the Maltese mafia that he is ready to lose all dignity and self-respect and deny all he stated before?’ 

Other commenters asked Paris to leave the political game, saying that ‘bluff never made good politicians’ and that his aim in politics is ‘to be served’ and ‘not to create a better life for those in need.’ Others asked whether there is anyone left to vote for in Maltese politics and others saying that the electorate will vote him back in parliament. 

What do you make of this situation?


Photo Source: Arnold Cassola FB, DW

Environment Minister launches 11 new projects to green up localities

Environment Minister launches 11 new projects to green up localities
Sep 27 2021 Share

Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia stated that the government must embrace the concept of greening in every project, whether they be large buildings or local initiatives. He said that people want to see greener, more environmental and sustainable projects in urban areas as he launched 11 greening project with local councils, with a total investment of €300,000. He urged authorities to insist and oblige applicants to introduce greening into their projects and that they provide both aesthetic value and environmental contribution. 

The minister highlighted the various benefits of greening projects – from improving wellbeing and other impacts on actual landscape. These 11 new projects aim at giving back green open spaces to the community, in which families can spend quality time together. Climate change can also be impacted for the better through such projects, adding trees and vegetation to cool off the area and reducing air pollution. 

The 11 Projects announced consist of greening Pjazza Torfa in Ghajnsielem, the upgrading of Saver Zarb Garden, introducing open spaces in Santa Lucija, the beautification and maintenance of San Pawl and Kappillan Muscat Square in Hamrun. 

Belvedere Garden in Valletta will also receive an aesthetic makeover, followed by the upgrading of several side streets leading to San Lawrenz local square. Birgu’s two belvederes overlooking the harbour will be getting a greener look, along with San Gorg Preca Square and San Gorg Bay in Birzebbuga. A recreational zone will be added to Kuncizzjoni Road in Qala. Finally Munxar’s Square and Sliema’s Bisazza Square will all be getting green makeovers. 


Photo Source: Aaron Farrugia FB