Energy Minister Miriam Dalli has informed Newsbook that she cannot guarantee that electricity prices will remain the same come next year.
Despite energy prices remaining stable since 2014, Dalli said that this continuation is not a given due to an international rise in energy prices. However, she said, the government will continue to monitor the International situation whilst offering solutions to Malta’s families.
Coming just days after the government announces a set of measures to reduce electricity bill costs in public institutions, Dalli went on to explain that the price of the inter-connector exceeded 80c per unit last week.
A new report revealed that this year’s electricity subsidy is expected to cost the government €250 million. Should the current subsidies remain, it is possible this will increase to €400 million in 2023.
Among the measures introduced, the lights on public building facades will all be switched off. Meanwhile, the use of air conditioning in such buildings will also be decreased. However, other slashes had to be undertaken, with the University of Malta getting its yearly budget cut by a whopping €1.1 million as part of a cost-cutting measure.