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No Confidence Motion Against 3 Ministers To Be Debated Today

No Confidence Motion Against 3 Ministers To Be Debated Today
Mar 14 2024 Share

This afternoon, the Opposition intends to table a no-confidence motion in parliament against three government ministers in light of the findings from a public inquiry into the tragic death of Jean-Paul Sofia at a construction site.

The Nationalist Party (PN) is demanding the resignation of ministers Silvio Schembri, Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, and Miriam Dalli. They are utilizing one of their designated opposition business days, which occur twice annually, to present this motion.

However, it’s improbable that the government will accept the PN’s motion outright; they have the option to propose amendments during the debate.

In July, during their last opposition day, the PN called for a public inquiry into Sofia’s death. The government, initially resistant to the idea, modified the motion to exclude mention of a public inquiry and instead advocated for a swift conclusion to the magisterial inquiry. The opposition then proposed a counter-amendment calling for a public inquiry, which was defeated, and the government’s motion was adopted.

A similar scenario may unfold this evening.


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Subsequently, the government reversed its stance on the public inquiry into Sofia’s death due to public pressure. The inquiry’s findings, published two weeks ago, attributed blame to the State for allowing legislative ambiguity to persist over the years, resulting in what it described as a “comedy of errors” in construction site legislation.

Several officials implicated in the inquiry have since resigned. However, the PN insists that political responsibility, not just administrative, must be assumed for the tragedy.

Zrinzo Azzopardi oversaw planning and construction at the time of the incident, while Dalli and Schembri were responsible for state agencies INDIS and Malta Enterprise, respectively. Both agencies were found to have serious shortcomings in their oversight of the project in 2019.

The PN motion also calls for monthly progress reports on implementing the inquiry’s recommendations, with MPs given the opportunity to question each report one week after it’s presented in parliament. Additionally, all findings from the inquiry should be implemented within six months, according to the motion.

Furthermore, the motion seeks a parliamentary apology to Jean Paul Sofia’s parents for rejecting a public inquiry into his death last July.

Architects and developers have pushed back against calls to implement the inquiry’s recommendations within six months, advocating for a more thorough and deliberative approach that respects the complexity of their sector and the expertise of its professionals.


Why Mużika Mużika Is Important For The Maltese Language

Why Mużika Mużika Is Important For The Maltese Language
Mar 14 2024 Share

Why is Mużika Mużika important for the Maltese language? Speaking to MaltaDaily, Minister for National Heritage, the Arts Local Government Owen Bonnici explained that such festivals promote the Maltese language through artistry and creativity.


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Creating such festivals elevates the Maltese language so that the public can appreciate it as both an artistic medium as well as for its cultural value.

The Minister explained that the artists will be giving a genuine and raw spectacle to show their talent whilst also promoting the Maltese language through their pieces.


Open Doors At The Institute Of Tourism Studies On 18th March

Open Doors At The Institute For Tourism Studies On 18th March
Mar 14 2024 Share

The Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) will be opening its doors to individuals seeking a comprehensive understanding of the institution’s diverse academic offerings. Join them for the second Open Doors event on March 18, 2024, from 6 PM to 10 PM, where prospective students can gain insights into the professional opportunities available at the ITS campus in Malta.

The event will provide a structured platform to learn about ITS’s array of academic programmes, including Travel and Tourism, Food and Beverage, Rooms Division, Events Management, Tourist Guiding, Culinary Arts, Climate-Friendly Travel, and Diving Safety Management. Programmes offered range from Foundation Level (MQF Level 1) to Master’s Level (MQF Level 7), catering to a broad spectrum of educational pursuits.

During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with representatives from important departments, including Student Support Services, Erasmus Office, and Internships Office. For those feeling uncertain about their academic direction, the Student Support Services team will be available to provide personalised guidance and assist visitors in selecting the ideal study programme for their aspirations and interests.

Apart from the study programmes information and departmental representatives, various activities will take place throughout the campus. These include:

🤲 Demonstrations and presentations showcasing the depth and quality of the study programmes, highlighting the practical skills and knowledge that set ITS students apart.

🏆 Student competitions showing the students’ talent in culinary arts, service excellence, and front office operations. These competitions will serve as a testament to of aspiring hospitality professionals’ high standards and dedication.

🗣 Participate in enlightening public lectures which include Hospitaller Valletta: the Underworld by Dr Christine Jones Muscat at 6:30pm and How human senses affect a dining experience by Jesmond Atkins at 7:30pm.

🎮 Relax at the Youth Hub manned by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, providing a relaxed environment for attendees to enjoy leisure moments.

🍷 Wine enthusiasts may partake in an exclusive Wine Masterclass, led by Aaron Rizzo, with two free sessions available from 6:30pm till 7:15pm and 8:00pm till 8:45pm. Registration is required for these sessions.

🍺 Chill at the Beer Garden in the Green Area, immersing yourself in a casual and social ambience. The ideal setting for networking and casual conversations while enjoying the craft beer selection available.

🍳 The ITS Training School will be organising public cooking masterclasses, offering practical and instructive cooking sessions. Learn firsthand the techniques and skills to craft Zesty Lemon Infusion: Crafting Luscious Lemon Cookies with Curd. There will be two sessions available which are free of charge. The first session is from 6:30pm till 7:30pm while the second session is from 8:00pm till 9:00pm. Registration is required for these sessions.

🍽 Take a moment to unwind and indulge in food prepared by ITS students at The Apron Grab & Go. There will be food packages available for €10 or less. These packages are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Seize the opportunity to explore the Institute of Tourism Studies’ campus, connect with industry professionals, and make informed decisions regarding your academic and professional future. Mark your calendars for March 18, 2024, as ITS welcomes you to a world of academic excellence and industry relevance. YOU CAN FIND DETAILS HERE. 


WasteServ Announces Winners Of 11th Malta Waste Reduction Awards

WasteServ Announces Winners Of 11th Malta Waste Reduction Awards
Mar 14 2024 Share

The 11th edition of the Malta Waste Reduction Awards, organized by WasteServ, has recognized schools, regional councils, NGOs, companies, and individuals for their outstanding efforts in waste reduction initiatives. This event, held alongside the European Week for Waste Reduction, celebrated exemplary actions aimed at reducing packaging waste and its environmental impact. Participants were invited to showcase their efforts in waste reduction, reuse, and recycling, with a panel of experts evaluating submissions and selecting winners. A total of €22,000 in prizes was awarded to support further waste reduction endeavors.

Minister for the Environment, Energy, and the Regeneration of the Grand Harbour, Miriam Dalli, emphasized the crucial role of promoting environmentally conscious behaviors and sustainable waste practices. “These initiatives highlight the significance of collective efforts, demonstrating that even small contributions are vital in driving positive environmental changes,” stated Minister Dalli.

WasteServ CEO Richard Bilocca congratulated participants, underscoring the importance of events like these in encouraging broader engagement in waste prevention and separation. Notably, three schools were recognized for their outstanding actions for the first time. St Jeanne Antide College Immaculate Conception School, St Francis School Victoria, and St Paul’s Missionary College secured prizes, sharing a €6,000 award to support new environmental projects and initiatives.

The event also acknowledged the exceptional efforts of Regional Councils in advancing waste management in their respective localities, with prizes awarded to Port Regional Council, Gozo Regional Council, and Western Regional Council.

The European Week for Waste Reduction, the largest campaign of its kind in Europe, aims to promote waste prevention and inspire various community actors to develop impactful actions toward this goal. This year’s campaign, focusing on food waste, will take place from November 16th to 24th.

Below are the winners of the 11th edition of the Malta Waste Reduction Awards:

  • Waste Reduction Award in Public Administration: Kunsill Lokali l-Isla
  • Waste Reduction Award in Associations Category: St Jeanne Antide Foundation
  • Waste Reduction Award in Schools Category: St Paul’s Missionary College
  • Waste Reduction Award in Clean-up Awareness: Żibel
  • Waste Reduction Award in Business Category: Malta National Aquarium
  • Waste Reduction Award in Citizens Category: EcoWrap
  • Waste Reduction Award for Best Practice in Most Innovative Initiative: Malta Freeport Terminals Limited
