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No babies in 2020 were named Nigel making it officially extinct

No babies in 2020 were named Nigel making it officially extinct
Oct 19 2021 Share

For all the Nigel’s out there – it seems as though you’re some of the last remaining ones. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the name ‘Nigel’ has become extinct as a baby name as no parents are choosing to bestow their newborns with the moniker. The name Carol is also extinct, despite there being a slim chance that two young Nigels or Carols were born in 2020. The NSO only records a name if three or more children are called that name. 

When it comes to the most popular baby names, Oliver and Olivia have held on to their top spot in England and Wales. This marks the fifth consecutive year these names have been the most popular. Names such as Stuart, Sally, Susan,Trevor and Gordon are itching towards extinction as well. The gradual extinction of ‘Nigel’ prompted a pub landlord in 2019 to gather as many Nigel’s as possible to make sure it doesn’t die out. A total of 423 Nigel’s convened, but it seems as though this proved to be the last place a significant amount of Nigel’s would be present. 


Photo Source: Nigel Directory

Could Franco Debono be hinting a return to the Nationalist Party?

Franco Debono
Oct 18 2021 Share

Shortly after Opposition Leader Bernard Grech ended his budget response, former PN MP and criminal lawyer, Franco Debono, has made his feelings known about tonight’s speech via a social media post – backing Grech’s speech.

This was yet another sign that Debono, who had a falling out with the Nationalist Party under Gonzi’s realm, is pointing at a return to the Party.

Back in August 2020 he had already made his feelings known by stating that he was “listening attentively” to calls made by PN members to be their voice. Some PN members had also called for him to contest the leader election, to which he politely declined.

In April 2021, during a political event, Bernard Grech stated that he would be willing to work with those who left the party when asked about his thoughts regarding former MP Franco Debono.



Facebook & Amazon to Malta? Bernard Grech addresses Budget 2022 response

Facebook & Amazon to Malta? Bernard Grech addresses Budget 2022 response
Oct 18 2021 Share

During his budget response, Opposition Leader Bernard Grech gave an insight into what a tech future looks like for a Nationalist Party-governed Malta.

Grech stated that a Nationalist government pledges to attract tech giants such as Booking.com, Facebook, Google and Amazon, amongst others.

He went on to state that the party will work tirelessly to identify future modern day giants to offer a tailor-made product to bring their services to Malta, which will not only help Malta’s economy but in return, aid the growing companies in their efforts.

Other proposals by the Nationalist Party include free private healthcare to individuals aged 60 in their own homes, immediate termination of Electrogas contracts and the extension of the 25% tax bracket from €60,000 to €80,000.

During a powerful address in the presence of Prime Minister Robert Abela and his Cabinet, Bernard Grech expressed his party’s wish to live in a nation where you truly live and not exist. He went on to highlight that this government is working its people rather than working for its people.


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Obstacle course racing is back with a BANG after a 2-year pandemic pause

Obstacle course racing is back with a BANG after a 2-year pandemic pause
Oct 18 2021 Share

After conquering its biggest obstacle of all in a 2-year pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Obstacle Course Racing is back with a bang with one the most anticipated events of the year in The Grid Sprint 2021. Participants from all walks of life took to the obstacle course on October 16, where they were to present their vaccine certificate and attempt to take on The Grid.

In an emotional Facebook post, the team at The Grid celebrated the return to doing what they love and highlighting the fact that despite the 2-year absence, they dug deep and conquered to bring back the beloved event to Malta.

With athletes and frequent participants of obstacle course racing returning to doing what they love, 2022’s prospects look as bright as ever and we can’t wait to see the return completely to its former glory.

Send this to someone who took part in The Grid!
