Nicola Talks About Not Having Her Phone For 6 Weeks

Nicola Talks About Not Having Her Phone For 6 Weeks
Jun 27 2023 Share

Speaking during a live on Instagram, Love Island Malta contestant Nicola briefly spoke about how she managed to deal with not having a phone for six weeks. 

Bringing in friends and fans onto her live video, Nicola, who ended in fourth place along with her coupled pair Dale, revealed that it wasn’t as bad as people might think.


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This she attributed to having people around her, as the realisation that she did not have a phone truly struck her when she exited the villa and went back to her normal life. 

She seems to have found having her phone back weird instead of being separated from it for an extended period of time. 

The contestants only had phones to communicate with the Love Island Malta production for challenge announcements and other information. 


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Use of personal phones was strictly prohibited throughout the competition. 


Malta With Record of Gold Medals In Special Olympics 2023

Malta With Record of Gold Medals In Special Olympics 2023
Jun 27 2023 Share

Malta has once again continued to make sport history after having achieved a record number of gold medals in the history of its participation in the Special olympics. 

Malta achieved a total of 16 gold medals, along with 11 silver medals and 4 bronze, racking up the grand total to 32. 

The Maltese athletes competed in 45 different sport events, with the contingent of 22 athletes taking up disciplines such as athletics, golf, table tennis, swimming, cycling, bowling and bocce. 

Dr Lydia Abela, the President of Special Olympics Malta, congratulated the local stars for their determination and achievements, saying that ‘society wins when it values every single person.’

‘The Special Olympics are a living celebration and evidence of inclusivity, where varying abilities unite through sport for a common goal: that everyone is a protagonist.’ 

The athletes, along with Dr Abela, had the opportunity to participate in the Global Youth leadership Summit and the Global Athletes Congress. The athletes shared their experiences with other athletes from around the world and discussed the challenges being faced and how they are overcome. 


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Europe Super Volcano Sparking Fears Of Eruption

Europe super volcano sparking fears of eruption
Jun 27 2023 Share

Having last erupted in 1538, a large super-volcano in Italy is showing some signs which raise concerns of an impending eruption. 

The Campi Flegrei volcano is not your typical volcano, and is much less remembered than the typical cone-shaped neighbour Vesuvius (Pompeii, anyone?). 

Instead, it is a vast underground complex of magma and around half a million people have their homes in the 11 kilometre caldera in Naples. 

If the previous eruption were to happen again, we would see gases and molten rock blow up into the stratosphere, causing tsunamis and toxic ash which could potentially trigger a global winter. 

The researchers published the findings on June 9th in the journal ‘Communications Earth & Environment.’ 

Speaking to EurekAlert!, lead author Christopher Kilburn said that despite confirming the volcano’s movement towards rupture, this might lead to a crack through the crust and the ‘magma still needs to be pushing up at the right location for an eruption to occur.’

The ongoings beneath the crust doesn’t give scientists a clear answer as to whether it will blow or have a period of earthly unrest. It also, however, does not give enough time for preparation. 

But before you start panicking… According to an article by Wired, the eruption caused might be similar to the 1538 eruption which, despite causing local havoc, were not world altering in scope. 

The study merely proposes a model that suggests that the ‘signs of a new eruption might be more subtle than we think.’ The same unrest about this very same volcano occurred in 2017 after another study by the same researchers. 

If anything, it could simply encourage authorities and the local communities to be more sensitised to natural disasters and have workable evacuation plans instead of instilling apocalyptic terror.


Neil Agius Forced to Abandon 100-Mile Swim Challenge Due to Jellyfish Stings

Jun 27 2023 Share

At 03:56 am on Tuesday, a much-anticipated swimming challenge came to an unexpected halt as Neil Agius, was forced to abandon his 100-mile swim attempt due to multiple jellyfish stings. 

The incident occurred around 46 kilometres into the swim in the Mallorca – Ibiza channel at approximately 01:00 am.

Despite nearly four hours of battling through the treacherous waters, enduring numerous stings, and making several valiant efforts to continue, Agius found himself overwhelmed by the swelling and pain caused by the jellyfish stings.

Ultimately, he made the difficult decision to prioritise his safety and voluntarily abandon the swim plan.

Expressing his disappointment, Agius stated, “It is so sad to see all that hard work we put into this challenge come to such a premature conclusion. I was feeling strong and ready to go the distance, but fate had other plans.”

Acknowledging the unpredictable nature of the sport he has chosen, Agius emphasised the multitude of variables that can impact such endeavours, some of which are within our control while others are not. He extended his gratitude to all the supporters who had been rooting for him and had provided unwavering support over the past 10 months.

Despite the setback, Agius remains resolute in his commitment to ocean conservation, which he believes is the true challenge that lies ahead. He assured his followers that he would return to face this challenge once again.

As the fleet now makes its way back to Mallorca for safe harbour, plans are underway to hold a press conference where further details about the incident and Agius’s future endeavours will be announced.
