NGO ROTA have released a set of eight priorities that they believe the new Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works Chris Bonett can focus and change gears on.
The NGO is urging Bonett to prioritise sustainable mobility and road safety for the benefit of the nation.

‘Rota acknowledges the existence of poorly designed projects that pose significant risks to sustainable mobility users. With Hon. Bonett now in the driver’s seat, we see this an opportunity to change gear and tackle the below issues which need immediate attention’.
The eight points include prioritising sustainable mobility; re-evaluating the Msida Creek Project; Fixing the Mgarr Bicycle Lane; Improving Safety on Tal-Balal Road; Introducing Level Crossings in Marsa; Addressing the Driving License Racket; Implementing a Comprehensive Cycling Strategy; and Providing safe cycling routes along St Andrew’s Road.