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New Zealand implements miscarriage and stillbirth mourning leave

New Zealand implements miscarriage and stillbirth mourning leave
Mar 25 2021 Share

New Zealand’s government has voted unanimously to give mothers, their partners and any parents planning to adopt a three day leave in case of miscarriage or stillbirth. Labour MP Ginny Andersen stated that this would allow parents to come to terms with the loss without using up sick leave. Coming up with the leave bill herself, Andersen stated that the grief that accompanies miscarriage is not sickness, but a loss.

‘That loss takes time – time to recover physically and time to recover mentally: time to recover with a partner’ she stated. Green MP Jan Logie also added that the bill will go a long way in breaking the taboo and silence women endure after losing pregnancies.


Lydia Abela appointed President of Special Olympics Malta

Lydia Abela appointed President of Special Olympics Malta
Mar 25 2021 Share

Lydia Abela has officially been given the title of President of Special Olympics Malta. The international Special Olympics will be hosted by Malta next year, with Abela leading at the helm. Anna Calleja, National Director of Special Olympics Malta, stated it was an honour to have Abela join the Special Olympics Family.

Nirringrazzja lill-bord eżekuttiv ta' Special Olympics Malta tal-fiduċja li wera fija. Bħala President ta' Special…

Posted by Lydia Abela on Thursday, 25 March 2021

Writing on Facebook, Lydia Abela thanked Calleja for entrusting her with the position and pledged to invest in Malta’s athletes who have shown great potential and paid tribute to the country.


Ta Qali’s future vision unveiled by Minister Ian Borg

Ta Qali’s future vision unveiled by Minister Ian Borg
Mar 25 2021 Share

After permission was granted for a project on Ta’ Qali National Park, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Ian Borg revealed photos depicting how the park is set to look life. The regeneration project will include a bike lane to be built above walking areas as part of the major facelift Ta’ Qali is set to receive.

Nista' nħabbar li għadu kemm ħareġ il-permess għall-Malta National Park 🌳🇲🇹Grazzi lit-tim kollu tiegħi. Kommess li nwassal għand in-nies dan il-proġett importanti ✅

Posted by Ian Borg on Thursday, 25 March 2021

The project will also include half-open structures alongside wide boulevards with many areas devoted for greenery and other flowers. Ian Borg took to Facebook to thank all his team and promise to deliver this important project to the people. Further information will be released as work progresses.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90


Malta daily Facebook 970x90

Malta drops by around 1,000 active cases in a week

Malta has seen a drop of about 1,000 COVID-19 active cases since last week.
Mar 25 2021 Share

Malta has seen a drop of about 1,000 COVID-19 active cases since last week. 18th March saw the number of active cases above 3,000 at 3,034. Fast-forward a week to today however and the total active cases has dropped to 2,086.

This significant drop in active cases signifying the efficiency of the health and safety measures put in place. Just yesterday, Health Minister Chris Fearne also announced that Malta has the highest rate of COVID-19 cases among EU countries. This is a strong reminder that we should keep abiding by the Health measures in order to keep the reducing the numbers.
