
New WhatsApp update will allow messages to disappear after seven days

Nov 5 2020 Share

The feature-which is already available on the Signal Encrypted Messaging app-is being launched globally throughout November. When the function is switched on, new messages sent via a chat will automatically be removed after seven days-“making the conversation to feel lighter and more private. ” 

The feature can be switched on by any person in a one-to-one chat-and in groups, administrators will have power over whether or not the feature is on or off.


Harry Styles is in 14-day mandatory quarantine

Nov 5 2020 Share

The former One Director was forced to quarantine after a crew member of his new film tested positive for Covid. 

Shooting scenes in downtown Los Angeles, production company New Line stopped shooting yesterday after a crew test showed that they had been infected with a deadly virus. Deadline adds that everyone on set has begun compulsory isolation for 14 days, but that nobody else on production “has tested positive at this stage.”

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Trump will try again in 2024 for president if he loses to Biden

Nov 5 2020 Share

Bryan Lanza, former Director of Communications for the President’s Transitional Team, said he might “make a good argument to run again.” Lanza added that if he ran again in 2024, Trump “would be younger than Biden is now.” 

Actually, the president will be 78, which is one year older than Joe Biden is now. Speaking on Today’s show, Lanza said, “Biden will have the opportunity to lead this country out of Covid, and we’ll see what his achievements and shortcomings are. “And there’s nobody in the Republican party that can challenge President Trump in the primaries.”


Donald Trump mocked after ‘removal truck’ seen outside the White House

Nov 5 2020 Share

Although Biden has a clear lead over the president, Trump has continued to claim victory, and there is still further legal action against four states as he drives forward his narrative of electoral fraud. 

In a live video of the White House, the door appears to be blocked by a massive yellow truck. Although the writing on the truck is not easily readable from the distance it was shot, people seem certain that it belongs to Pesnke, a removal company whose trucks look nearly identical to the one captured. Although this may not be for that reason, naturally, people had jokes.
