New President Urges Instilling Love For Malta From A Young Age

New President Urges Instilling Love For Malta From A Young Age
Apr 5 2024 Share

During her official first address as the New President of Malta, Myriam Spiteri Debono spoke about the importance of cultivating critical thinking skills and appreciation for Malta’s environment in our youngest citizens from a young age – and made sure that Minister for Education Clifton Grima was listening closely to this part of her message.

‘The promotion of the values of commitment and self-regulation is important’, the president explained.

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‘If we are desirous that Malta continues to be an esteemed nation, we have to start from the very young ones. From a very tender age, in the home, in the embrace of the family and grandparents, we have to strive to inculcate in them the principle that, whatever they do, they do it well and in the pursuit of truth.’

‘In order to achieve this, kneaded and a natural component of the education system, we have to make them familiar with the natural beauty of Malta and Gozo. They have to be conscious of this beauty, and they have to know their way to each and every corner of Malta and Gozo.’


Source: TVMi

Highlights From Oath Of Office Of Malta’s New President

Highlights From Oath Of Office Of Malta's New President
Apr 5 2024 Share

Here are some of the best moments from President Miriam Spiteri Debono’s oath of Office as the New President of the Republic of Malta.

From meeting the public to the ceremonial laying of flower wreaths at the foot of the War Memorial, yesterday saw Malta experience something which only occurs once every 4 to 5 years.


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The President’s humility and calls for unity stuck out during yesterday’s televised events, as President George Vella passed on his title to Myriam Spiteri Debono – the third female president of Malta as well as the first female Gozitan president of the Republic.

Did you follow the Oath of Office?


Malta’s New President Pledges Unity and Progress in Stirring Inaugural Speech

Apr 4 2024 Share

In a riveting inaugural address that captivated the nation, Malta’s newly appointed President, Myriam Spiteri Debono, outlined her vision for the future, emphasizing unity, progress, and a dedication to the welfare of all Maltese citizens.

Addressing the nation for the first time, President Spiteri Debono expressed gratitude to the parliamentarians who nominated and supported her appointment, heralding her selection as a testament to the democratic spirit of the Maltese people. From the outset, she underscored the weight of responsibility accompanying her elevation to the highest office in the land, pledging to uphold the constitutional principles that form the bedrock of the Maltese Republic.

Echoing the sentiments of her predecessors, President Spiteri Debono emphasised the evolving role of the presidency in championing the cause of vulnerable communities and fostering national unity. She hailed the recent constitutional amendments requiring bipartisan consensus for presidential appointments as a crucial step towards nurturing dialogue and compromise in Malta’s political landscape.

In a stirring call for societal cohesion, President Spiteri Debono emphasised the importance of embracing diversity and extending a welcoming hand to immigrants seeking refuge in Malta. She urged Maltese citizens to go beyond mere tolerance, advocating for genuine understanding and solidarity with those less fortunate.

Moreover, President Spiteri Debono highlighted the imperative of nurturing the next generation of Maltese leaders, emphasising the importance of instilling civic virtues and a love for the nation from an early age. She underscored the role of education in fostering a deep appreciation for Malta’s rich history, culture, and natural beauty.

Turning her attention to global affairs, President Spiteri Debono reaffirmed Malta’s commitment to promoting peace and stability on the world stage. She pledged to leverage Malta’s diplomatic influence, particularly as the current Chairperson of the OSCE, to advance the cause of international harmony and cooperation.

In a poignant moment, President Spiteri Debono addressed the unresolved wounds stemming from past tragedies, including the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. She called for healing and closure, emphasizing the need for justice and accountability to move Malta forward.

In a nod to her Gozitan roots, President Spiteri Debono pledged to bridge the gap between Malta and Gozo, ensuring that the presidency remains accessible and attuned to the needs of all Maltese citizens.

As she concluded her impassioned speech, President Spiteri Debono issued a rallying cry for national solidarity, urging political leaders to prioritise Malta’s welfare above partisan interests. 

With unwavering resolve, she vowed to lead Malta towards a brighter future, characterised by unity, prosperity, and dignity for all.



Photo Source: DOI

Harsh Reality of Malta’s Abandoned Dogs Revealed by AAA

Harsh Reality of Malta's Abandoned Dogs Revealed by AAA
Apr 4 2024 Share

Malta’s Association for Abandoned Animals (AAA) recently highlighted the distressing situation of dogs rescued from another breeding station, emphasising their poor condition and the ongoing cycle of abuse.

The organisation raises several critical questions, including the lack of arrests of animal abusers, the delay in introducing breeding laws, and the uncertain future of the rescued dogs.

In the recent Facebook post, AAA pointed to a specific case from a year ago in Msida, where pitbulls were taken from an abusive situation only to end up isolated in private kennels without proper care, training, or medical procedures such as neutering or spaying.

Furthermore, these animals remained legally connected to their previous abusers. The association stresses that the real victims are the animals and insists on the need for stringent enforcement against abusers and the implementation of supportive legislation to truly break the cycle of abuse and make any rescue operation meaningful.

What do you make of this situation?
