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New parents will undergo psychological evaluation in upcoming pilot project

Dec 11 2020 Share

This morning, Family Minister Michael Falzon announced a first-of-its-kind pilot project which will evaluate parents mental health before and after childbirth to ensure stable mental wellbeing.

A midwife will visit the new parents before and after childbirth to analyse their wellbeing and help the individuals transition into parenthood.

In what has been called an ‘avant-garde’ idea by the Minister himself, the pilot project will implement various parenting programmes to establish a positive foundation to parenting.


Customs Malta seize close to €1 million in cash and goods over the past three years

Dec 11 2020 Share

That’s how much Maltese Customs have stopped on their way to Libya.

Customs Malta have stopped as much as €1 billion in cash and goods which were on their way to Libya between 2018 and 2020.

The cash and goods were in breach of certain sanctions and amongst them stolen vehicles, boats, fireworks and around €926 million in cash.


Maltese Music Friday is finally here and the vibes are real

Dec 11 2020 Share

In typical Maltese fashion, the local music scene never fails to impress and this week is no different with 3 huge new releases from renowned local artists.

The first release is Mteam’s much-anticipated ‘Love’ which brings the well-needed Christmas vibes with a joyous and powerful pop tune and what could be another hit on their repertoire.

On the darker side of things, we have young star Luke Chappell with his latest single ‘Drugs’, a strong follow up to his last single ‘Lonely Again’, which recently hit 1 million streams.

Finally we have local rap favourite Owen Leuellen with ‘Dark Days’, a dark, intense rap track reminiscent of the 2020 vibes. We’ve been looking forward to this one!


96 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 87 recoveries

67 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 323 recoveries
Dec 11 2020 Share

Malta has registered 96 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 2,840 swab tests, while 87 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

Details on new active cases will be given by Prof. Charmaine Gauci during a press briefing at 12:30 which will be streamed on saħħa.

To date, Malta has registered 10,980 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 8,935 have recovered, 166 died and 1,879 are still active.
