Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne revealed that a crematorium in Malta will be launched within the coming months. In a response to a parliamentary question from Claudette Buttigieg, the Deputy Prime Minister said that the project is due to launch once the extension to Addolorata cemetery is completed. A legislation approved by Parliament made cremation services legal in Malta since May 2019, with Rosianne Cutajar leading the legislation.
Cutajar stated the Maltese government should hand the entire concession for the country’s cremations to one crematorium. This would make it all more feasible, even in terms of environmental concerns which accompany cremation.
Regulation will all be in the hands of the Superintendence of Public Health. They will be responsible for monitoring crematoria, conduction inspections and empowering them to take all necessary action if license obligations are found to have been breached. A national registry will be set up to record people’s wishes on whether they want to be cremated.
As of yet, there is no clear answer as to who will operate the service. Camilleri Funeral Directors showed interest in 2019, with cremation believed to cost somewhere between €550 and €750.
Photo Source: Chris Fearne, Wikipedia