
New COVID-19 variants raising concerns about reinfections

Feb 9 2021 Share

Evidence is showing that people who’ve been infected with COVID-19 aren’t necessarily safe against re-infection from other COVID-19 variants.

Reinfections were thought to be less common however recent studies are showing that it is completely possible. A city in Brazil documented several cases of reinfection, where three-fourths of the population were thought to have been previously infected.

People who were recently infected have a much lower chance of reinfection, and reinfection should be considerably less serious. However, it cannot be ruled out at all.


UHM has called for the lifting of Gozo Channel Carnival Weekend directive

Feb 9 2021 Share

Prime Minister, Robert Abela has announced a set of measures to come into force on the 11th of February ahead of Carnival Weekend.

One of these measures was for passengers aboard the Gozo Channel who will be travelling by car. the directive states that they are to be ‘encouraged’ to stay inside their vehicles for the journey.

However, the UHM has called for the lifting of this directive being as it isn’t considered safe to do so. This would go against International Maritime Conventions on Security as well as the protocols of the Gozo Channel itself.

UHM is also calling for clarification on the matter since people are now confused as to whether they should remain in their cars or not, and who to listen to.


PBS will be appealing John Bundy’s case sentence

Feb 9 2021 Share

The PBS board of directors made a decision to appeal the recent court case regarding the dismissal of their former CEO, John Bundy.

The past Industrial Tribunal was concluded in favour of Mr Bundy and he was granted a compensation of €26,488, which the PBS was ordered to pay within one month.

After taking three different opinions of advice the board has decided to go ahead with the appeal as there are solid grounds for appeal.


Maltese Music Monday! Here what’s going on in the local music scene

Feb 8 2021 Share

You know what day it is. That’s right, it’s Maltese Music Monday and as per usual, we like to keep you updated on what’s going on in the Maltese Music Scene and this week, we have some great ones!

First in line, we have young local musician Luke Chappell with his 45-second demo ‘Find a way back Home’, a raw sonic serenade combining ambient elements and touching guitar, accompanied by haunting vocals by Chappell himself. The track comes as a follow-up to his previous banger ‘Lonely Again’ which surpassed one million streams on Spotify and hit the ground running with the local charts.

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Up next, a relative newcomer to the scene – Jolene Samhan. A Nadur resident with a Brazilian, Palestinian and German-Polish background, Samhan’s ‘February 1st’ is her debut track and her unique sound is sure to pave the way for a great journey in the local music scene. This is Samhan’s second foray into the local scene with her first being ‘Place’, a collaboration with Micimago and Shaun Axiaq which went on to win multiple awards and top the charts locally.

Finally, not exactly a song but news which surely shook the Maltese Music landscape. Local heartthrob Dav. Jr took to Instagram to announce that he will join Maltese band ‘The Busker’ as their lead singer and frontman. With a new frontman in Dav. Jr and the debut of a fresh new sound, the future looks bright for The Busker.


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