
New Bold Glamour TikTok filter slammed on social media

New Bold Glamour TikTok filter slammed on social media
Mar 1 2023 Share

The new ‘bold glamour’ TikTok filter, which has already been used millions of times in recent days, has received immense criticism for setting up unrealistic beauty standards for women. 


How beauty filters have impacted my self esteem. Your sign to unfollow people that dont bring you joy 🤍 social media should make people feel connected and inspired, not critical of their appearance #beautyfilter #bereal #tiktokfilter #unrealisticexpectations #beautytok

♬ original sound – Hira Mustafa

Facial filters, interactive AI-programmed masks accessed via a phone’s front camera, drastically alter the appearance of a person’s face. Despite first beginning for novelty purposes, like giving dog-like ears and nose, they have been worked upon to become more precise as time went on. 

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And now, this new filter is being criticised by social media users who point towards negative impacts on mental health, low self-esteem and body dysmorphia as potential consequences. 

Unlike many filters, the ‘bold glamour’ filter is seemingly not impacted by waving one’s hand over one’s face, making the filter more difficult to distinguish from reality. 

“I don’t wanna be known as the tiktok filter guy, but ICYMI after attacking GenX w teenage filter, tiktok just dropped a new filter to take out Millennials & GenZ. ‘Beauty filters’ are not new, but the precision on this is beyond uncanny. This is psychological warfare & pure evil,” wrote computational artist Memo Akten.

The same concerns were echoed by many on various platforms, most notably TikTok and Instagram. 

What do you think of this filter? 


23,372 non-EU citizens have a valid Maltese driving license

23,372 non-EU citizens have a valid Maltese driving license
Mar 1 2023 Share

According to figures provided in parliament on Tuesday, a total of 23,372 non-EU citizens in Malta have a valid driving license. 

This makes up just under 8.5% of all locally licensed drivers, with a total of 277,490 licenses having been issued as of the end of January 2023. 

This was revealed by Transport and Infrastructure Minister Aaron Farrugia, in response to a parliamentary question posed by PN MP Graziella Galea. 

Farrugia further elaborated how close to 240,000 licenses were issued to Maltese drivers, while over 23,000 were issued to non-EU citizens. 14,600 licenses were issued for other EU citizens. 

This comes after a parliamentary answer in January also revealed that 25,000 driving licenses were issued to foreigners in the past five years. 

What do you make of this?


76 year old man dies after falling off Tarxien home roof

76 year old man dies after falling off Tarxien home roof
Feb 28 2023 Share

A 76-year-old man resident of Vjal Simmons, Tarxien, has sadly lost his life after falling off the roof of his home today. 

The police revealed in a statement that the man fell a height of around one storey onto another roof at around 1245pm. However, the roof he fell on, which belonged to the adjacent property, gave way, leading to the man to fall one further storey.

It was revealed that Civil Protection Department officers pulled the man out of the rubble and transported him to Mater Dei. Unfortunately, he was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. 

Police investigations as well as a magisterial inquiry are ongoing.


Brillanti Dance judges praised for professionalism as auditions continue

Brillanti Dance judges praised for professionalism as auditions continue
Feb 28 2023 Share

Following two episodes of auditions, Brillanti Goes Dance has seen an increasing interest going into the various dancers aiming to be titled ‘Brillanti’. 

Judges Patrick Odametey, Andrea Attila and Brenda Lee Grech have proven to be an impeccable addition to the program, bringing in expertise from all corners of the world as they pick out Malta’s very best. 


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The dancers have a tough, but fair, nut to crack in the audition phase as places start to fill up before the quarter finals officially begin. 

And with that of course comes emotion, tension but even excitement and ingenuity by the applicants so they can show the panel that they have what it takes.

 But they’re not completely alone, as presenter and host Joseph Chetcuti ensures that dancers know that they are giving their utmost as he guides them through this prestigious competition. 

The next episode will air next Friday on ONE TV at 2030hrs. 
