
Netflix’s new rule could limit how much you watch when abroad

Netflix's new rule could limit how much you watch when abroad
Feb 2 2023 Share

Netflix’s new password sharing crackdown will have a major impact on its users, not only stopping them from sharing their accounts with others but also limiting their ability to watch shows abroad. 

The change was announced last week as a result of years of users being able to use one account for multiple people. The new policy involves users having to sign in to their accounts regularly.  

According to a report to its shareholders, Netflix said: “While our terms of use limit use of Netflix to a household, we recognise this is a change for members who share their account more broadly.” 

However, the company failed to mention that users will have to log in to their account from their home WiFi network every 31 days. If they don’t, they risk being locked out of their account.

This news has not been well received by Netflix users, with many taking to Twitter to express their frustration. One user wrote: “So @Netflix we can only watch at home is what I’m getting from this. Your team didn’t think this one through, you know how many citizens have different living situations.” 

Another said: “This has a real ‘we made poor financial decisions, and now it’s your fault’ vibe.” Many users have also threatened to unsubscribe from the streaming giant as a result of the new policy.


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Animal in danger of extinction due to not sleeping and too much sex

Animal in danger of extinction due to not sleeping and too much sex
Feb 2 2023 Share

A new study conducted by the University of the Sunshine Coast suggests that the endangered male northern quolls, a rare marsupial species, are facing extinction due to excessive mating and a lack of sleep. 

The researchers found that male quolls are so desperate to mate that they are willing to forgo sleep, which is causing their health to fail after just one season. 

The study’s senior lecturer, Dr. Christofer Clemente, says that this is linked to sleep deprivation and the traits associated with it such as weight loss, aggression, and recklessness, which are not present in females.

To study the behaviour of the quolls, the researchers fitted backpacks with trackers to the animals roaming around Groote Eylandt. The lead author, Joshua Gaschk, found that the males tended to move around more and were less vigilant than females. 

The research also found that two males named Moimoi and Cayless traveled around 10 km in one night. However, this prolonged sleep deprivation made them vulnerable to predators and unable to avoid vehicle collisions or death from exhaustion.

Gaschk hopes that this research will help scientists understand the broader effects of sleep deprivation on marsupials. He believes that if male northern quolls forgo sleep to the detriment of their survival, they will become an excellent model species for understanding the effects of sleep deprivation on body function. 

The findings could help to prevent the extinction of this unique species and improve our understanding of the importance of sleep for animal health and survival.


Teatru Manoel addresses John Suda involvement controversy amid online outrage

Feb 1 2023 Share

In light of the recent controversy surrounding John Suda’s involvement in the upcoming production “Boeing Boeing – Moħħok Hemm Għax Dieħel… l-Ajruplan”, Teatru Manoel has issued a statement addressing the situation.

“By way of information, the script was originally written by French playwright Marc Camoletti and translated into English by Beverley Cross, and was adapted and translated into Maltese by Mario Micallef and John Suda 30 years ago. John Suda has had no relationship with the script since then.

Teatru Manoel also confirms that John Suda has no involvement whatsoever in the co-production and will receive absolutely no compensation from Teatru Manoel or Talenti.”

This statement follows online outrage and a public statement by actress and sexual assault victim Mandy Random, who published a post condemning the theatre for alleged involvement with Suda after she was sexually assaulted by the aforementioned in 2015.

“7 years later. He still runs free. Still no one understands. Still people make excuses. Still people support him. 7 years later and I still suffer from the scars, my body still freezes yet shakes at the sight of his name.”
Back in 2015, Suda was sentenced to 12 months in prison suspended for two years and declared a protection order the favour of Randon after admitting to sexually abusing the victim, asking her to strip naked and perform sexual acts.

Abner Aquilina claimed to have “an influence controlling his thoughts and actions”

Feb 1 2023 Share

Abner Aquilina, the 20-year-old from Żejtun, who is accused of killing Paulina Dembska, reappeared in court today as the case against him continued. The 29-year-old women from Poland, was murdered in Independence Garden in Sliema, at the start of January 2022.

In court, the first witness in today’s hearing, Dr. Andrew Hall said that he had examined the accused’s mental state and referred him to mental health services. He claimed that Abner was repeating the same words, became more agitated over time, avoided questions and raised his voice.

According to the witness Abner said that he had seen “a woman dressed in white and had followed her into a church.” When asked if there was someone or something controlling him, Abner said that he could not talk about this. However, the doctor said that Abner spoke about “an influence controlling his thoughts and actions.” When asked about it, the accused put his finger over his mouth and made a shushing sound.

The prosecution is being led by Superintendent Keith Arnaud, Inspector Jonathan Ransley and Attorney Anthony Vella from the Attorney General’s Office. The accused is being represented by Lawyer Mario Mifsud while Lawyer Stefano Filletti is appearing for the victim’s family.


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