Netflix to release a new movie every week of 2021!

Jan 16 2021 Share

Netflix has announced that they’ll be releasing a new movie, every week of 2021. Netflix said that these movies will feature, “the biggest stars”.

They’ve mentioned people like; Leonardo DiCaprio, Sandra Bullock, Dwayne Johnson, Idris Elba, Meryl Streep, Zendaya, Jennifer Lawrence and Ryan Reynolds, among others.

The movies will also be directed by award-winning filmmakers!


Sigma unveils a global vision through its fresh, new rebrand

Jan 15 2021 Share

Gaming and tech giant SiGMA Group has burst into 2021 by unveiling its new global vision through a fresh rebrand, marking the beginning of a new era.

SiGMA’s approach towards their global perspective can be seen through their international portfolio, and the launch of new core events across 4 continents.

Founder Eman Pulis has stated that despite the logistical challenge in synergising the different aspects of SiGMA and the effects of the ongoing pandemic, adaptation is key to growth and reflects the group’s forward-thinking mentality into a ‘more globally-minded gaming industry’.


This iconic Lija tower is getting the restoration it deserves

Jan 15 2021 Share

Well-deserved restoration works have finally begun on Lija’s iconic Belvedere Tower following approval from the Planning Authority.

Fundamental parts of the Tower such as the columns and uppermost layer have required extensive care and now, the Malta Tourism Authority and Lija Local Council have worked to secure the Tower’s protection for the benefit of Lija residents and passers by for years to come.

Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo was on site to report that restoration works were underway and oversee the project’s progress.


Police drug tests to become mandatory after passing of new law

Jan 15 2021 Share

Members of the Malta Police Force will have to undergo mandatory drug tests after the passing of a new law, as stated by Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri.

This follows the string of reports of members of the force testing positive for illegal substances.

Just recently, superintendent Maurice Curmi was suspended after testing positive for cocaine and went on to contest the issue after testing negative in the following two tests.

The Minister also reported that last year, three soldiers, two prison workers and one police officer tested positive in random drug test, calling for increased discipline and zero-tolerance towards drug use in the force.
