Net News alleging Robert Abela promised Castaldi Paris Speaker role for not contesting election

Net News alleging Robert Abela promised Castaldi Paris Speaker role for not contesting election
Mar 19 2022 Share

As the March 26 election approaches and political turmoil begins to unfold, Nationalist media Net News have published an article stating that Prime Minister & Labour leader Robert Abela promised Ian Castaldi Paris a Speaker role if he doesn’t contest the election.

Back in December, it was revealed that the Labour MP had to pay €300,000 in fines and taxes following an in-depth tax probe. The PN news platform claimed that Abela ‘lost control of the situation’, stating that putting Castaldi Paris in the speaking role would not only give him more control in his parliamentary group but within Malta’s parliament.

The Speaker of the House is appointed to maintain order during parliamentary sittings and see that all rules are respected. The speaker may also give rulings in the event of arising issue and while not having a vote, has a casting vote in the event of a tie.

What do you make of this?


Roberta Metsola casts vote; urges people to participate in next general election

Roberta Metsola casts vote; urges people to participate in next general election
Mar 19 2022 Share

With the general election around the corner, some citizens have already began casting their vote, with one of them being President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola.

In a Facebook post published earlier today, Metsola stated that she has exercised her civic duty by voting in the election, going on to urge others to make use of their right and choose their representatives.

The EP President stated that our fellow Europeans in Ukraine are currently fighting for this right and such a showcase is a reminder that we must strengthen our democracy every single day.

Do you plan on voting?


Tanker veers dangerously close to coast in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq; tug boats pull it further off shore

Tanker veers dangerously close to coast in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
Mar 19 2022 Share

A chemical tanker has been spotted veering close to the Baħaq iċ-Ċagħaq coast as a result of the strong winds.

Tug Malta dispatched a tug boat before 10am to control the tanker’s movements, with a second tug boat arriving at around 10.35am. Transport Malta have stated that the two boats were called on the scene to pull the tanker further from shore in order to prevent the tanker from hitting the shore.

In a Facebook post published earlier today, Transport Minister Ian Borg said that he has been informed that risk of pollution is very low – he went on to thank all workers for their efforts in such an operation.

Earlier today, a windmill in Zurrieq sustained damages as a result of the strong winds, with the Met Office stating that strong winds are to persist today.



Malta climbs four places in global happiness index; ranks 33rd worldwide

Malta climbs four places in global happiness index; ranks 33rd worldwide
Mar 19 2022 Share

The World Happiness Report has revealed that Malta has climbed four places in its global index ranking countries by happiness.

After last year’s dramatic drop, Malta placed 33rd out of 146 countries, with scores being generated from survey results over a period of three years between 2019 and 2021. Finland occupied the top spot for the fifth year in a row, with Denmark and Iceland closely following.

Afghanistan, Lebanon and Zimbabwe ranked lowest in global happiness with distribution based on living factors such as GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, perceptions of corruption and dystopia.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report stated that “overall levels of life evaluations have been fairly stable during the two years of COVID-19, matched by modest changes in the global ranking,” with anger levels remaining relatively low and stable globally. South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa have seen large increases offset by trend declines everywhere.
