Neil Agius Suffers Worst Jellyfish Sting, Suspects Box Jellyfish

Aug 30 2024 Share

“Neil Agius, an ex-Olympian and current world record holder for the longest unassisted ocean swim, was stung by a jellyfish, which he described as ‘one of the worst stings to date,’ during his longest training session, a 24-hour swim.

Agius revealed the sting in a video he posted, showing how the jellyfish’s tentacle had wrapped around his body, leaving marks across his abdomen, back, and arm.

The swimmer suspects the culprit to be a box jellyfish, recently spotted in Birżebbuġa, which may have been swept to the east side of Gozo by the currents.”


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One In Five 15-Year Old Boys Having Sex

Aug 29 2024 Share

In a study conducted by the World Health Organization, it was revealed that on average one in the year 2022 in five 15-year old boys have had and are actively having sexual intercourse.

The report also found that one in seven 15-year old girls were reported having sex, in the year 2022. The study overall showed that boys were more likely to have sexual intercourse at a younger age than girls.

It was also revealed in the study that while the overall prevalence of sexual activity has remained relatively stable since 2014, boys have shown a slight decline in recent years.

Interesting data also found that 15-year old boys from more affluent families were more likely to report to having sexual intercourse, whilst girls from low-affluence families were more likely to respond to having sex.

The survey was conducted in 2022 and involved several 15-year old students from 42 countries and regions around the world.


Eileen Montesin To Return To MCC Stage After 18 Years

Eileen Montesin To Return To MCC Stage After 18 Years
Aug 29 2024 Share

Taking to social media, local icon Eileen Montesin shared her excitement to be returning to the Mediterranean Conference Stage after 18 years.

The last time she did so was back in 2006, when she representing Malta Song for Europe 2006 alongside Lou Bondi and Josef Bonello, which saw Fabrizio Faniello winning.

This time around she’ll be presenting Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza along with her daughter Christine Haber, Louise Tedesco, and Valerie Vella, on the 8th of September.


Local Dog Featured On Popular Instagram Page Pubity

Aug 29 2024 Share

A video of a local Maltese dog retrieving a bone in the ocean was posted by Pubity to be enjoyed to their massive 38.8 million followers.

The dog who plays fetch underwater has been going viral nationally for quite a while now gaining several thousands of views on TikTok, but it now looks like that the dog has made a name for himself internationally too.

The video has amassed an insane 3.5 million views and 200,000 likes alongside 633 comments filled with impressed viewers wondering how the Maltese dog could hold his breath for that long.

Pubity is one of the biggest content driven accounts on Instagram and has several accounts dedicated to other aspects of entertainment such as sports and a whole page dedicated to memes.
