Nationalist Party State That Better Planning Is Needed

Apr 12 2024 Share

The Nationalist Party has stated that better planning is needed in order to avoid  hundreds of millions of euros being wasted.

The Party revealed that even though €700 million has been spent in the past 11 years nothing has improved and the overall road situation  has actually worsened. They stated that roads that were opened for infrastructure work ended up being closed again less than a year later to undergo new work.

This was the message that came out of a press conference addressed by Shadow Minister for Transport and Mobility Mark Anthony Sammut, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Capital Projects Joe Giglio, as well as European Parliament Election Candidate David Agius.

The speakers all noted that one of these roads is Triq il-Kunsill tal-Ewropa in Ħal Luqa, which people remember being closed less than a year ago to lay down new tarmac, but is now being re-closed to pass Enemalta cables. Similar situations are occurring in Mosta, Żurrieq, Xgħajra, and Żabbar, among other places.

The speakers emphasized that this is nothing but incompetence and a lack of planning from the Labour Government even wasting millions of euros including money from European Union Funds.


Sant’Antnin Plant Transformation: Turning Waste into Green Spaces

Apr 12 2024 Share

WasteServ has announced a significant step forward in its ambitious plan to transform the Sant’Antnin waste treatment plant into a recreational green park. With the issuance of a tender for excavation and preparatory construction works, the project is on track to reclaim over 23,000 square meters of land for public use, marking WasteServ’s largest-ever greening initiative.

The Sant’Antnin plant, once a hub of waste management operations, saw most of its activities cease in December 2022. Since then, the infrastructure has been dismantled and recycled abroad, clearing the path for the creation of a green sanctuary in Marsaskala.

The tender encompasses a range of tasks, including the excavation of a three-storey car park equipped with electric park-and-ride facilities, the creation of an artificial lake to attract biodiversity, and the establishment of three reservoirs to meet irrigation, stormwater, and firefighting needs. Notably, 33% of excavated materials will be reused on-site, aligning with WasteServ’s commitment to sustainability and the circular economy.

A key feature of the project will be a 175-meter-long retaining wall, separating the green park from its surroundings and sculpting a natural landscape adorned with mature trees and shrubs. This integration of nature into urban spaces reflects WasteServ’s dedication to creating environmentally conscious developments.

Minister of Environment Miriam Dalli lauded the project as a testament to the government’s commitment to green initiatives. “Through this project, the government aims to rehabilitate a site previously associated with waste management into a nature park accessible to all for their enjoyment,” Minister Dalli stated, emphasising the importance of repurposing industrial spaces for public benefit.

Preparations for the project’s second phase are underway, with additional tenders expected in the coming months for tasks ranging from soil delivery to the construction of a greenhouse with aquaponics facilities. These developments underscore WasteServ’s holistic approach to green infrastructure, integrating sustainable practices at every stage of the project.

Richard Bilocca, CEO of WasteServ, expressed gratitude to the public for their support in realising the ECOHIVE strategy and delivering transformative projects like the Sant’Antnin park. “Without such policies, the inevitable outcome would have been more landfills and further land consumption,” Bilocca noted, highlighting WasteServ’s pivotal role in advancing Malta’s circular economy agenda.


Making a Difference: Reflecting on RMHC’s Impact in 2023

Making a Difference: Reflecting on RMHC's Impact in 2023
Apr 12 2024 Share

The Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Malta Chapter had a remarkable year in 2023, making a significant impact on the communities it serves. The results of its efforts touched the lives of 426 families and 622 children and young people. Throughout the year, RMHC Malta supported 17 NGOs and other entities, engaging 1,549 professionals and volunteers, and contributing 1,067 hours of impactful activities.

RMHC prioritised initiatives centred on education and skill-building, empowering children, young people, and families for long-term sustainability and resilience. Notable programmes included an international employability training course for young persons with disability organised by Prisms and held at the RMHC Learning Centre in Qawra, and a programme focused on employability run by Jobsplus and Youth Services Malta, which form part of the Foundation for Social Welfare Services.

Additionally, emphasis was also placed on initiatives aimed at promoting overall wellbeing. Play and art sessions enabled Ukrainian children to process the trauma of war, while two sets of SibShops were held to empower and support siblings of children with a disability or chronic illness. The National Parents Society of Persons with Disability (NPSPD) also hosted informative workshops focusing on empowering families and caregivers of children with disabilities. Creative sessions organised by Opening Doors were a resounding success with young adults with disabilities.

Moreover, in 2023, RMHC’s annual conference, in collaboration with Aġenzija Sapport and the Department of Disability Studies at the University of Malta, brought together more than 100 professionals from the education, health, social and community sectors to discuss family and person-centre services for children and young people with disability.

RMHC’s impactful journey and transformative outcomes were prominently featured at the Academy of Givers’ For Impact Event and Fair on March 12, 2024, where corporate executives and members of voluntary organisations witnessed the charity’s commitment to social impact and sustainability. As Stephania Dimech Sant, RMHC Malta’s Executive Director, highlights, “These results serve as a testament to our dedication to making a difference in our community.

Through collaborative efforts and the launch of our new Corporate Sponsor Packages, we aim to inspire others to join us in our mission of keeping families close.”


John Cena ‘Got Into A Few Fights’ Defending Older Gay Brother

Apr 12 2024 Share

In a recent podcast, wrestler turned actor John Cena revealed that growing up he ‘got into a few fights’ defending his older brother who used to be bullied because of his sexuality.

The star spoke about how his elder brother, Stephen, had faced homophobic bullying at high school and because of that, he had often stood up for his elder brother, causing him to ‘lose a few fights’ at school.

He called his brother “an introvert” and  a “true nerd” even telling the interviewer “Being gay in the 1980s in a small town in Massachusetts… Man, that’s an uphill climb.

“He just had a lot of character traits that weren’t in the ‘cool kid’ growl, and he’s also holding this secret that he can’t tell or talk to anybody about.”

The wrestler added: “I really feel for what it must have been like for him growing up, but I also inherited that chapter of his social constructs.”

He also said that kids also picked on him too, adding: “I got made fun of for the way I dressed, the music I listened to, the people I associated with, my older brother.”

Cena has consistently used his large platform to support the LGBTQ+ and other minority groups across America and the World.
