The Nationalist Party has stated that better planning is needed in order to avoid hundreds of millions of euros being wasted.
The Party revealed that even though €700 million has been spent in the past 11 years nothing has improved and the overall road situation has actually worsened. They stated that roads that were opened for infrastructure work ended up being closed again less than a year later to undergo new work.
This was the message that came out of a press conference addressed by Shadow Minister for Transport and Mobility Mark Anthony Sammut, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Capital Projects Joe Giglio, as well as European Parliament Election Candidate David Agius.
The speakers all noted that one of these roads is Triq il-Kunsill tal-Ewropa in Ħal Luqa, which people remember being closed less than a year ago to lay down new tarmac, but is now being re-closed to pass Enemalta cables. Similar situations are occurring in Mosta, Żurrieq, Xgħajra, and Żabbar, among other places.
The speakers emphasized that this is nothing but incompetence and a lack of planning from the Labour Government even wasting millions of euros including money from European Union Funds.