Nationalist Party proposes 12 legislative Bills to fight corruption and mafia-style crime

Nationalist Party proposes 12 legislative Bills to fight corruption and mafia-style crime
Jan 9 2022 Share

On Saturday, Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech unveiled the party’s package of 12 legislative Bills which aim to fight corruption and mafia style crime in light of the Caruana Galizia public inquiry recommendations and Malta’s grey-listing by the FATF.

Grech stated that Prime Minister Robert Abela remained silent in the face of such grey-listing, which is why the party has presented these ‘unprecedented’ draft laws. Amongst other proposals, the anti-corruption Bills propose the creation of a special magisterial role which will look into possible corruption practiced by public officials. Grech stated that such proposals have been put forward due to the country’s culture of impunity which allowed the brutal murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Bills the restraint of governmental duties and abilities during election campaigns, unexplained wealth orders, creation of a crime for association with mafia and organised crime, creation of a crime for procuring political influence and a declaration in favour of journalism within the Maltese Constitution, amongst others.

The PN stated that rather than tightening the belt on small business, they want to control the political class and address issues of good governance. Grech also expressed his confidence in the bills and that he trusts they will contribute to getting Malta out of the FATF grey-listing.

In a reaction to the claims, the Office of the Prime Minister stated that a committee of experts in consultation with academics, journalists and international institutions had been set up, as recommended by the public inquiry.


Why did thousands of jellyfish wash up at Armier Bay this weekend?

Jan 9 2022 Share

Thousands of mauve stinger jellyfish washed up at Armier Bay over the weekend in an annual phenomenon as explained by marine biologist Alan Deidun.

In a post on Facebook page It-Temp Madwarna, it was explained that adults of the mauve stinger jellyfish species rise from the depths to lay their eggs before dying, similar to what happens with salmon. The new generation of jellyfish could be seen in three months, around Easter time. This year, the phenomenon took place earlier than usual, whereas it would usually take place towards the end of January or even in February.

This means that this summer, there may be less of this particular jellyfish species as they would die out during Spring.


Photo Source: FreeHour Malta

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“If we think everything is calm and serene because no one is saying anything, it’s not the case,” says chef Sean Gravina

Jan 9 2022 Share

In a recent Facebook post, chef Sean Gravina expressed his frustration at where Malta stands with COVID-19 at the moment, with regards to the restaurant and hospitality situation. The Crust boss stated that “if we think that everything is calm and serene because no one is saying anything, it is not the case,” shedding light on the ‘exaggerated’ amount of people in quarantine and the confusion brought about by Malta’s 10-day quarantine period.

The chef recounted an employment predicament, by where it would be difficult to terminate the job of a working mother if she were unable to take the vaccine for some reason. He asked that if in a few months authorities would call for the fourth dose and he refused to have it, would he have to shut down his restaurant?

“Restaurant, sport activities, bar, pools and gyms all require a vaccine certificate, but a super-market JAM-PACKED with people during the weekend is okay… because the Omicron feels uncomfortable entering.”

Gravina also highlighted the congestion restaurants would have to face to check everyone’s vaccine certificate, and appealed to the authorities to allow people working in the hospitality industry to contribute before mistakes are made.

What do you make of this?


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Conversion therapy now illegal in Canada after unanimous parliamentary approval

Conversion therapy now illegal in Canada after unanimous parliamentary approval
Jan 9 2022 Share

On Friday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to Twitter to announce that conversion therapy was officially banned in Canada after unanimous parliamentary decision. Trudeau accentuated that it was now illegal in Canada to “promote, advertise, benefit from, or subject someone to this hateful and harmful practice. LGBTQ2 rights are human rights.”

Conversion therapy tactics included medical and drug-induced treatment, talk and aversion therapy, amongst others. Non-profit organisation Trans PULSE Canada revealed that up until 2019, 11% of 2,000 non-binary and transgender survey participants underwent conversion therapy.

Canada now joins a list of around a dozen other countries where conversion therapy is banned, with Malta being the first European country to ban conversion therapy back in 2016.
