Nationalist MP Alex Borg takes his mother to Parliament opening event

Nationalist MP Alex Borg takes his mother to Parliament opening event
May 8 2022 Share

On Saturday, Maltese parliament members and their families & colleagues took to Valletta to attend a ceremonial mass and swearing in event ahead of the country’s official Parliament opening.

While some were joined by their partners, husbands and wives, other opted to take their mothers, with one of them being Nationalist MP Alex Borg. The popular Gozitan politician told Malta Daily that he chose to take his mother because she was a very important pillar in the formation of his life and was a shoulder to the young politician in every decision he made. Borg said that such a gesture was a great opportunity to recognise his mother’s hard work and give her an opportunity to experience his swearing in.

The MP went on to state that his father had been in politics for a long time, serving as a mayor and even Chief of Staff for Giovanna Debono. “He was loved by everyone because he would help without any distinctions. I am walking in his footsteps and that’s why I believe they compare me a lot to him. I want to continue building on his legacy.”

Kudos to Alex Borg!


Man dead & three injured after fight breaks out in Marsalforn apartment

May 8 2022 Share

On Saturday evening at around 9PM, officials within the Malta Police Force intervened in an argument between multiple men in Triq il-Wied in Marsalforn, Gozo.

District police, together with members of the Rapid Intervention Unit (RIU), went on site after reports of the argument. The Gozo General Hospital reported that three men were admitted to hospital with one lost from his senses and multiple stab wounds. Unfortunately, a 25-year-old Syrian man was confirmed to be dead moments after.

Investigations have revealed that the argument took place between multiple Syrian men with ages varying between 24 and 29 years old.

During the argument, various objects were used, such as wooden planks, chairs and a knife; the other three men were arrested.


6 classic & hilarious quotes from Maltese mums on Mother’s Day

May 8 2022 Share

While we firmly believe that our mothers should be celebrated every single day, the globally-observed Mother’s Day is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate our mums for the absolute legends they are.

In between life-long sacrifices, compromises and absolutely iconic moments, the mothers of Malta are truly something else and today, we’re seizing the opportunity and looking back on 6 iconic quotes which have been said at least once by Maltese mums. Take a look below and see how many of these your mother has told you!

1. “Ħadt ġakketta?”

We all know that above meteorologists, weather reports and national news, no one has a better understanding of weather than our dear mothers. We’re fairly certain that, on multiple occasions, you weren’t able to leave the house without your mother insisting that you take a jacket with you just in case it gets chilly.

2. “Jekk taqa nkompli ntik”

Tough love at its very finest, the true Maltese coming-of-age moment is when a Maltese mother utters these spine-chilling words to one of her children. From the very first time you hear these four words, you discover a new found centre of gravity and realise that you are finally ready for adulthood.

3. “Saqsi lil Missierek”

The first-ever real-life game of ping-pong we experience as children is when we ask our mothers permission for something. At a cross-roads on whether they should disappoint or spoil us, mothers sometimes turn to their partners for support, prompting the iconic “Saqsi l-Missierek”. Unfortunately, the cycle begins when dad says “Saqsi ‘l ommok.”

4. “Mela hawn lukanda?”

Often asked for the first time during our teenage years, when we begin to go out with our friends; mothers tend to ask this out of frustration that we’re not spending too much time at home. When asked whether our homes are a hotel or not, we begin to ask whether we should spend more time at home…

5. “Mid-dar ħa tiekol?”

Putting our minds at rest that we can always turn to them for food, we’ve should consider ourselves lucky if we’ve been asked whether we’ll be eating from home. Finding a hot plate food when we get home is one of the most wholesome things in the world and one of the main reasons we should be celebrating our mothers today.

6. “F’għ*** ommok”

Often retorted with a classic “dik int ma” by ourselves, you know you’ve pushed your mother to her very limit when she says these words. While infuriated for a very brief moment, mum never holds a grudge and immediately goes on to continue being the legendary care-taking figure she is moments after.

How many of these did you recognise?

While we all have clashes and speed bumps with our parents during our upbringing, they have and always will want what’s best for us, and we should be celebrating them today and always. Happy Mother’s Day!


Anglu Farrugia re-elected for third term as Speaker of the House

Anglu Farrugia re-elected for third term as Speaker of the House
May 7 2022 Share

Anglu Farrugia has just been reelected as Speaker of the House of Representatives for a third term. He was endorsed only by the government side of parliament, facing no backing by the Opposition.

Farrugia was first elected back in 2013, succeeding Michael Frendo, and was then re-elected in 2017. Electing a speaker only requires a simple majority vote, which means that the government did not need the opposition’s backing to push the nominee. 

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PN MP David Agius was also confirmed as Deputy Speaker with a unanimous vote. In his first address to parliament, Farrugia promised he will fulfil his constitutional role as is expected. 

The Opposition had expressed its disagreement with the nomination, with Bernard Grech urging the Prime Minister on Friday to reach a compromise over the nomination. He said that he hoped the Speaker would serve his role impartially. 

In response, Prime Minister Robert Abela said it was surreal that Grech used his first speech in parliament to accuse the country’s highest institution of being impartial. 
