
NASA Plans On Building AirBnB On The Moon By 2040

NASA Plans On Building AirBnB On The Moon By 2040
Oct 4 2023 Share

NASA is embarking on an extraordinary venture: creating a lunar Airbnb. 

The American Space Agency has granted a construction tech firm $60 million to pioneer a moon habitat by 2040, designed not just for astronauts but also for everyday people. 

The concept involves deploying a colossal 3D printer to the moon, employing lunar concrete composed of rocks, mineral fragments, and dust to construct the structure on the lunar surface. 

Collaborating with universities and private enterprises, NASA aims to craft doors, tiles, and furnishings for this lunar abode. Moreover, plans are underway to establish a habitat on Mars for intrepid spacefarers destined for the Red Planet.

While the project is in its infancy, 2022 renderings offer a glimpse of what the lunar dwelling might resemble—though the concept may evolve in the next decade. NASA has not disclosed the cost of a civilian’s sojourn in the lunar residence. 

The Austin-based firm, ICON, which secured the NASA contract in 2022, employs its 3D-printing prowess on Earth, fabricating opulent homes layer by layer via its system, The Vulcan. 

This technology employs a blend of cement, sand, and water as filament, akin to ink. All components, such as walls and roofs, are individually printed and subsequently assembled. The printer can construct properties in as little as 48 hours.

ICON has been 3D printing homes since 2018 and has erected over 100 in North Austin. These homes are gaining popularity for their swift assembly, potentially addressing America’s housing shortage. NASA envisions 3D-printed homes as the next phase in lunar exploration. 

Raymond Clinton, 71, deputy director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center’s science and technology office, anticipates that average Americans might not reside on the lunar surface in his lifetime, but holds hope for future generations. ICON emphasizes that the infrastructure must offer improved protection against thermal, radiation, and micrometeorite exposure. 

The first order of business for NASA is establishing landing pads for rockets ferrying the 3D printer to the lunar surface, situated away from habitats to minimize dust disturbances during landings and takeoffs.

Jason Ballard, co-founder and CEO of ICON, asserts, “To shift the space exploration paradigm from ‘there and back again’ to ‘there to stay,’ we’re going to need robust, resilient, and broadly capable systems that can use the local resources of the Moon and other planetary bodies.” 

ICON intends to trial its printer at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in the coming February to assess its performance under vacuum conditions and radiation levels of space. However, much hinges on when NASA establishes the moon’s landing pads. 

NASA is poised to launch the second phase of its Artemis mission in 2024, circumnavigating the moon with astronauts, followed by the Artemis 3 mission, which aims to return humans to the lunar surface in either 2025 or 2026.


NGO Rota Calls For Racket Driving License Withdrawal

NGO Rota Calls For Racket Driving License Withdrawal
Oct 4 2023 Share

NGO Rota has called for the immediate license withdrawal for those persons involved in the driving license racket. 

‘The existing challenges of inadequate infrastructure for vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists, are already a grave concern. Adding drivers to our roads who have obtained their licenses unlawfully and without the necessary competences poses an imminent and substantial danger.’

The NGO said that the consequences of placing unqualified drivers behind the wheel are nothing short of a catastrophe waiting to happen. 

‘We pose this question to all those allegedly involved in this racket: What if the individuals you aided in passing their driving tests unlawfully were to cause an accident involving your own loved ones—your mother, father, daughter, or son?’

Apart from the immediate license withdrawal in the name of protecting public safety, the NGO also called for a thorough investigation so that ‘those responsible for compromising road safety’ are ‘held accountable for their actions.’


Roberta Metsola Commemorates 2013 Lampedusa Tragedy

Roberta Metsola Commemorates 2013 Lampedusa Tragedy
Oct 4 2023 Share

Speaking in Strasbourg at the European Parliament, President Roberta Metsola commemorated the 10 years since the Lampedusa tragedy which claimed the lives of around 360 men, women and children. 

The overcrowded boat, carrying asylum seekers from Somalia, Ghana and Eritrea, capsized off Italy’s shore. 

Addressing the tragedy, Metsola said that this was not an isolated incident as ‘the cemetery of the Mediterranean claimed the lives of thousands more.’


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‘The recent emergencies on the island of Lampedusa as well as on other neighbouring countries serve as a reminder that migration is our generation’s challenge.’

‘Europe must respond in a way that is fair and humane with those who are seeking protection, that is firm with those who are not eligible and that is strong with criminal networks who are still exploiting the vulnerable.’ 


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10 Reasons Why Malta Needed A New Airline

10 Reasons Why Malta Needed A New Airline
Oct 3 2023 Share

Speaking in parliament, Labour MP Omar Farrugia outlined the 10 reasons why Malta had to move on from the national airline of Air Malta and bring a new one. 

Among the many reasons, Farrugia quoted a series of bad strategic decisions, a lack of any incentive towards profit as well as Air Malta having to operate on an immensely competitive European market. 

The regulations of the European Union, the privatisation of the airport and other assets, the political clientelism and early retirement schemes were also part, Omar said, of the situation the airline finds itself in. 

Finally, the change in the client’s behaviour, the loss of routes towards Libya and the loss of its best talents continued to deliver a fatal blow to the national airline. 

Farrugia said that there is a clear transitional plan towards the new airline, quoting the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister’s earlier briefing in regards to the topic. 

What do you make of this?
