
Mum gives birth to twins born in two different years in extremely rare case

Mum gives birth to twins born in two different years in extremely rare case
Jan 3 2022 Share

In a rare one to two million occurrence, two twins in California were born on different days, months, and years as 2022 came rolling in. 

Little Aylin Yolanda and Alfredo Antonio Trujillo were born 15 minutes apart on New Year’s Eve. Alfredo came first at 11:45pm, followed closely by his sister just as the clock struck midnight. 

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The siblings were born at Natividad Medical Centre, with the establishment tweeting out: “At midnight, Natividad welcomed Aylin Yolanda Trujillo as the area’s first baby of 2022! Her twin, Alfredo Antonio Trujillo, was born 15 minutes earlier at 11:45 pm Friday, Dec. 31, meaning their birthday falls on a different day, month and year — a 1 in 2 million chance!”

The twins are the siblings of three older kids, with their parents Fatima Madrigal and Robert Trujillo expressing the bizarre circumstances of the birth. 

Even Dr Ana Abril Arias, a family doctor at the establishment, described it as one of the most memorable deliveries of her career. ‘It was an absolute pleasure to help these little ones arrive safely in 2021 and 2022.’ 

According to Natividad, there are around 120,000 twin births in the US per year. This is already just 3% of births, with twins born on different birthdays being very rare, let alone on New Years Eve. 


Employer associations agree with presenting vaccine certificates for work

Employer associations agree with presenting vaccine certificates for work
Jan 3 2022 Share

Two associations for employers have expressed their agreement with the idea of employees presenting their vaccination certificates to be able to access the workplace. 

Speaking on TVAM this morning, the director general of Malta Employer’s Association Joseph Farrugia and Malta Chamber of Commerce President Marisa Xuereb discussed this view. 

Farrugia argued that the virus does not discriminate against people who enter restaurants or those who enter the workplace. There are ongoing discussions concerning within employee relations board about whether the certificate should be made mandatory to enter workplaces. 

Xuereb highlighted that she is not advocating for employers to forcibly make people get the vaccine but stressed that employers also have the right to see whether a high risk of infections is keeping unvaccinated employees from reporting from work. 

Discussing the quarantine period, Xuereb said that ten days are enough, but suggested 7 days for those who have been vaccinated. She said that 20% of the Chamber employees are in quarantine and it is thus very difficult to operate. 

Farrugia continued by saying that the quarantine period is the authorities’ prerogative, insisting that should they note that the virus is not as strong, quarantines should be shortened given cases do not increase. 

He also said that 20% of workers in quarantine is, given the pandemic situation, a realistic one but said that only 20% to 25% of employees can use teleworking or remote working. 


Sliema murder suspect sent to Mount Carmel as interrogations suspended

Sliema murder suspect sent to Mount Carmel as interrogations suspended
Jan 3 2022 Share

Interrogations of Abner Aquilina, a 20-year-old from Żejtun who is the main suspect in the Paulina Dembska murder, were suspended after he was sent to Mount Carmel. 

The police stated that following his arrest, the suspect was examined by doctors and has now been referred to Mt Carmel. Investigations are being led by the Police officers from the Homicide Squad and from the Sliema Police station. 

Dembska, nationality Polish, was also confirmed to have been staying in a Sliema hostel and was in Malta as a student.  She was 29-years old. 


Paulina Dembska: Sliema murder victim identified and tributes pour in

Paulina Dembska: Sliema murder victim identified and tributes pour in
Jan 3 2022 Share

29-year-old Paulina Dembska was identified as the unfortunate murder victim at Sliema’s Independence Garden early on Sunday 1st January 2022. 

Her body was found by a passer-by just before 6:30 am below the popular promenade. Investigations found signs of violence around her hand and on her chest. 

A former Warsaw University student, Paulina lived in Sliema, with photos uploaded by herself showing her close to the site where she was murdered. 

The alleged aggressor has been identified as a 20-year-old from Zejtun, who was arrested shortly after the body was found. He was picked up by police nearby Balluta parish church. 

The aggressor allegedly also caused a commotion inside the church, threatening people and overturning chairs before some men intervened and called the police. The motive behind the murder is still unknown. 

Tributes poured in by several people and personalities, with many calling for a deep look at violence against women and the awareness and action which needs to be taken to prevent such tragedies. 

Further details could emerge should the aggressor be arraigned in court soon. MaltaDaily sends condolences to her family. 
