
MP Kevin Cutajar speaks out on Facebook meme targeted at disability

Feb 6 2021 Share

“I would expect that in 2021, we are mature enough to criticise the argument and not the person.”

Nixtieq nirringrazzja lil kull min wera’ solidarjetà miegħi, wara li xi ħadd għoġbu jagħmel FB post dwari li kien…

Posted by Kevin Cutajar on Friday, 5 February 2021

These are the words of Nationalist MP Dr. Kevin Cutajar after being mocked for his disability on a distasteful meme posted on Facebook.

Nikkundanna bla ebda riserva dan il-faqar ta' ħsieb u aġir. Tal-mistħija li kollega b'diżabbilta' Dr Kevin Cutajar jippruvaw jirredikolawh b'dan il-mod. Kevin Cutajar

Posted by Julia Farrugia Portelli on Friday, 5 February 2021

Labour politicians like Julia Farrugia Portelli and MP Oliver Scicluna condemned the attack, expressing solidarity with Dr. Cutajar with Scicluna stating the the attack was reported.

Kien hemm xi gharef irrid idahhak bid-dizabilita' ta' haddiehor f'pagna partikolari. Qieghed nirreferi ghall cajta vojta…

Posted by Oliver Scicluna on Friday, 5 February 2021


Donald Trump quits U.S. Actors Union

Feb 5 2021 Share

Donald Trump has officially resigned from The Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) following news that the union was considering removing him due to his role in the attacks on the Capitol building on 6 January.

Trump has previously appeared in films such as Home Alone 2 and programmes like Sex and the City in the early 90s while also producing the series ‘The Apprentice’.

The reason behind Trump’s resignation is that ‘they did nothing for him’, to which SAG-AFTRA replied with only ‘Thanks’.


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Malta is 15 days ahead of vaccine schedule, Prof. Gauci reports

Feb 5 2021 Share

According to Superintendent for Public Health Professor Charmaine Gauci, Malta is 15 days ahead of the previously-planned inoculation schedule.

This was reported during today’s media conference where Prof. Gauci reiterated that 33,477 vaccine doses have been administered so far, highlighting the fast nature of vaccinations compared to other European countries.

She went on to highlight how so far, almost all elderly individuals aged 85 and over have been vaccinated, with only those currently in quarantine left.


The Economist deems Malta’s democracy ‘flawed’ as index points drop

Feb 5 2021 Share

International newspaper The Economist has deemed Malta’s democracy ‘flawed’ as the island’s points on its 2020 Democracy index continue to drop.

The index covers close to the countries’ entire population and categorises according to electoral process and pluralism, government functionality, political participation, political culture and civil liberty and scores each democracy country by country.

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Based on points achieved, Malta falls under the ‘flawed democracy’ category along with countries like the United States, France, Italy and Greece.
