Earlier this morning, a protest against “Joseph Portelli’s illegal pools in Qala ODZ” was organized by the NGO Movement Graffitti. Armed with spray paint and flares, activists took over the Gozo site that they claim is being “illegally developed.”
Moviment Graffitti explained how their main goal is to uncover the “rigged system” that planners uphold, which allows developers to take advantage of gaps in the law and planning-related flaws.
The NGO further explained stating “When, in 2021, it was reported that developer Joseph Portelli and his associates had begun digging two enormous pools without permits in Qala’s ODZ, Moviment Graffitti immediately reported the illegality to the Planning Authority,”
“Joseph Portelli even publicly admitted that while it was true that there was no permit for the works, he claimed to have done nothing wrong as he was sure he would be eventually granted the aforementioned permits,”
They continued on by revealing that “In fact, after a while, he did apply for the permits for two illegal pools on ODZ land, and after a few months, the Planning Authority approved them.”“Moviment Graffitti and the Qala Local Council banded together and appealed these permits. The courts revoked the permits and declared the pools illegal.”