NGO and activist Moviment Graffitti called out ERA and Environment Minister Miriam Dalli for the ‘enroachment by rental deckchairs operators on garigue land close to the Blue Lagoon in Comino.’
‘This move does not only run counter to the demands put forward by organisations and the public in the protests that took place last summer, but also exposes the weakness of ERA – the authority responsible for the safeguarding and conservation of Natura 2000 sites – and that of the Minister for the Environment, Miriam Dalli, in the face of commercial forces that are posing a very real threat to our natural heritage’, explained Moviment Graffitti in a statement.
The NGO pointed out how this comes after the government promised the public that the situation on Comino would change by this summer.
Following numerous protests and the eventual news that the jetty and the beach are now free of deckchairs (a news welcomed by the NGO), attention was drawn to the practice of placing rental deckchairs on protected garigue land in Comino, a Nature 2000 site.
Demanding the immediate removal of the deckchairs, the NGO stated that the public will be ‘forced to intervene and protect Comino from the forces of greed.’