A recently-published survey by the National Statistics Office suggests that in 2021, the majority of people living in private households felt they had good health and also reportedly felt calm and peaceful most of the time.
Seventy-three per cent of respondents perceived their general health as being good whilst 31 per cent reported suffering from chronic illness or a condition.
“On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represents ‘not satisfied at all’, and 10 represents ‘completely satisfied’, respondents reported an average score of 8.6 with regard to their satisfaction with their personal relationships with family and friends”, the report stated. A mean job satisfaction score of 7.6 was reached and a mean life satisfaction score of 7.1 was also reported.
The lowest mean score was regarded people’s financial situation, standing at 6.8.
The survey also revealed that 42 per cent of respondents felt calm and peaceful whilst 49 per cent felt happy. Nervousness and agitation were sometimes experienced by 33 per cent of respondents.
On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represents ‘not satisfied at all’, and 10 represents ‘completely satisfied’, respondents reported an average score of 8.6 with regard to their satisfaction with their personal relationships with family and friends. A mean score of 7.6 was reported with regard to their satisfaction with their current job, and a mean score of 7.1 was reported with regard to their satisfaction with their overall life.
The lowest mean score was reported with regard to respondents’ satisfaction with their financial situation, at 6.8.
Feelings of downheartedness and depression and feelings of loneliness were experienced none of the time by 52 per cent and 60 per cent of the respondents, respectively.