More Figures Speak Out Over Student Withdrawal

More Figures Speak Out Over Student Withdrawal
Jan 23 2025 Share

More political and influential figures in Malta spoke out over the case wherein students were withdrawn from a local school due to the realisation by the parents that the teacher was gay.

Among those speaking out was MP Roseanne Cutajar, who said that it is ‘absurd that in 2025 there are still people who look at gay people as a danger to society.’

These parents, she said, ‘are not realising that the drastic decision will leave a negative psychological impact on them as they have to start everything from scratch, make new friends and get used to a new environment.’

Wife of PN Leader Bernard Grech, AnneMarie, a teacher herself, also spoke out, saying that throughout her years in the profession, she always knew the importance of students recognising the importance of respect towards diversity from a young age.

‘Our children are too young to be taught to label others’, said AnneMarie.

Minister Miriam Dalli posted a video calling out the situation, asking whether we’ll be accepting situations like this, especially given the global political climate where LGBTIQ+ identities are being targeted.

‘We cannot lose that which our country worked so hard to achieve’, she concluded. Minister Julia Farrugia also shared a video, highlighting how people within the LGBTIQ+ community work with her closely and extraordinary and responsible they are.

The ADPD also shared a statement, with chairperson Sandra Gauci highlighting how discriminating against someone on the basis of sexuality and gender is illegal. ‘Despite this principle being in our laws, prejudice is still alive and strong and can only be overcome through education.

MGRM also issued a statement, expressing their solidarity with Stefan and their gratitude towards St Clare College Primary School for standing by him.

‘Parents excluding or isolating an educator because of their sexual orientation is increasingly worrying for the simple reason that students and children who are in the coming out process may give rise to self doubt and personal anxieties when they observe these behaviours.’

Local influencer Jean Pierre Cassar followed up with a statement as well, saying that ‘one can remove their child from a class due to their teacher being gay but know that you cannot live in a bubble. Gay people can be doctors you will be in need of, nurses who care for you, the lawyer, the driver, the shop-owner you bought something from…’

‘Your neighbour you might be in need of help from in an emergency, the restaurant you eat from might have a gay owner and chef, the song you listen to on the radio tomorrow might be produced by a gay person, and a film you might watch tomorrow might have a large number of gay people who worked on it.’

‘Your kids might even come to you tomorrow and tell you they’re gay. Don’t use Christ or your religion as your excuse. The God you believe in encourages you to love your neighbour. I stand with Stefan.’

‘When we teach children, through our attitudes, to reject others based on gender, ethnicity, or other differences, we not only hinder their ability to embrace diversity but also shape a future society rooted in division, prejudice, and a lack of empathy’, wrote Oliver Scicluna.


Gay Teacher Publishes Letter To Parents After Student Withdrawals

Gay Teacher Publishes Letter To Parents After Student Withdrawals
Jan 22 2025 Share

Stefan Germanotta, who uses the name Stefan Vassallo for professional reasons, took to social media to publish the letter he sent to the parents of children who were pulled out of St Claire College due to their learning of his sexuality.

Stefan revealed that he uses a different surname to help compartmentalise his personal life as a gay man (as well as a love for Lady Gaga).

‘Today, however, I had to find the courage to publicly and proudly identify as a gay teacher. For those who haven’t had the chance to read it yet, I am sharing the letter here.’

In the letter, Stefan said that his beliefs and personal life – ‘one I have the legal right to live openly in this country – should never interfere with (the) responsibility’ of providing a safe, inclusive and supportive environment for all students.

‘As a gay person living in a world that automatically assumes everyone is straight, I know firsthand the pain of questioning your worth and your right to exist because of stigmatising beliefs.’

‘I also have to ask: since when has merely seeing a rainbow been harmful to children? What exactly is it your are so afraid of?’

‘All children and educators deserve an education system that empowers them to grow and succeed in a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment. I am fortunate enough to be part of such a community at San Ġwann Primary, supported by an open minded leadership team and many dedicated educators committed to fostering this safe space.’


Christine Dalli’s Rendition Of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” Leaves Fans In Awe

Christine Dalli’s Rendition Of "You'll Never Walk Alone" Leaves Fans In Awe
Jan 22 2025 Share

Brugge, Belgium – A powerful display of music and unity took centre stage last night at the Jan Breydelstadion, as Maltese soprano Christine Dalli delivered an emotional rendition of “You’ll Never Walk Alone” before the Champions League match between Club Brugge and Juventus.

Performing to a capacity crowd of 26,700 football fans, Christine’s heartfelt delivery of the beloved anthem created an electrifying atmosphere. Fans joined in the iconic chorus, filling the stadium with a shared sense of pride and camaraderie.

Speaking after her performance, Christine said, “It was an incredible honour to sing at such a prestigious event. Hearing the crowd join in was an unforgettable experience—my largest chorus yet. Football truly has a way of bringing people together, and it was amazing to be part of that energy.”

Christine’s performance was not only enjoyed by those in the stadium, where it was also displayed on large screens, but was broadcast across Europe by UEFA, adding to the evening’s significance.

The soprano’s stirring vocals set the tone for the thrilling match that followed, proving once again how music can elevate sporting events to emotional new heights.


PN Leader & MPs Speak Out Over Students Withdrawn Over Gay Teacher

PN Leader & MPs Speak Out Over Students Withdrawn Over Gay Teacher
Jan 22 2025 Share

PN leader Bernard Grech and Nationalist MPs Claudette Buttigieg and Graziella Attard Previ both took to social media to comment on the case wherein students were pulled from a school after it was discovered by their parents that their teacher was gay.

On his part, Bernard Grech said that every investment done in our country has to do with people. ‘Education is no exception.’

‘Equal Partners Foundation representatives today explained what they see as the biggest challenges to the inclusion sector. We agreed that we can never have an inclusive society if we do not have schools that are not really inclusive.’

‘The Nationalist Party believes that inclusion in the class prepares the student for the world of versify and it is crucial to have a peaceful society where parents feel like they have to move their son due to the diversity of a teacher.’

PN MP Claudette Buttigieg wrote on social media that ‘life is filled with different colours.’

‘Labels and segregation are a thing of the past. Decisions like these do not protect children but cultivate a sense of discrimination within them that their innocence does not know.’

Meanwhile, spokesperson for equality, human and civil rights & children’s rights Graziella Attard Previ wrote how a ‘teacher’s profession, and that of anyone else’s, is not measured by their sexual orientation.’

‘This morning’s news abut parents not wanting their son being taught by a gay teacher confirms that which I have long said… In fact I spoke about it yesterday in parliament, that despite laws passed in the country, mentality takes years to change.’

‘Children need to be raised in inclusive environments that not only appreciate, but respect, the diversity around them. We need to keep working in favour of tolerance, inclusion and diversity. We cannot accept any form of discrimination against anyone.’
