Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis stated in a press conference on Wednesday that minor infractions will land persons a tribunal hearing rather than a court. This bill aims to widen the powers of justice commissioners to include hearing minor offences. In a bid to ease the burden of cases from the magistrate’s court, the bill will expand types of crimes which can be heard by commissioners for justice, instead of the typical tribunals that adjudicate traffic offences.
Minister Zammit Lewis added that the consultation process of de-penalisation had been ongoing for four years. This aim is to take minor crimes, which obstruct public peace or affect people or property, and create a system where low-impact cases could be heard. The Minister highlighted how in this way the courts will not face a massive burden with cases that could easily be resolved by justice commissioners. Magistrates will be freed to focus on serious criminal offences with more efficacy. The list of offences which will fall within this system has not yet been provided.
Photo Source: Kamra tal-Periti, Edward Zammit Lewis