With a lot of discussion surrounding the installation of a metro system in Malta and a potential election coming up, many candidates from all sides of the political spectrum have stated their opinion. On Thursday, PN candidate Alex Borg gave his two cents on the metro, suggesting that the system should connect Malta and Gozo and consider Malta’s industrial zones.
Borg went on to highlight that based on recent surveys conducted by the National Statistics Office, one in every five Gozitans who works full-time, crosses over to Malta every single day to work. The new candidate that both workers and students should be able to utilise the metro to get to University, MCAST and work and be able to return to their Gozitan homes without having to be separated from their families for a whole week.

A point regarding Malta’s traffic issue was also raised, with Borg accentuating his enthusiasm towards the fact that a Labour Government is adopting proposals made by the Nationalist Party a few years ago, similar to what happened with the windfarms a pipeline, according to the PN candidate.