MEP Cyrus Engerer Emphasises Environment As A Human Right

MEP Cyrus Engerer Emphasises Environment As A Human Right
Feb 22 2024 Share

“You have the right to live in an environment that doesn’t kill you, and therefore a healthy environment is essential as a human right”, said MEP Cyrus Engerer during a public debate on the environment as a human right at Europe House on Friday. 

MEP Engerer emphasised that without a healthy environment, people’s health also suffers, leading to a deteriorating quality of life. 

He noted that in the European Parliament work is being done to include this right in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, and it could possibly become part of the reform of the Union Treaties.

He also takes the view that work can be done proactively: Malta could change its constitution and introduce the right to a healthy environment, and take a leading role in Europe on this as it has done in the field of LGBTIQ rights. 

MEP Engerer was interviewed by moderator Claire Agius Ordway and also answered questions from the public. He spoke about his work in the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, as well as in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs. 

He also spoke about his work in the Special Committee against cancer where research analysed showed that cancer could be reduced by 40%, and this objective was introduced as a basis for each Committee’s work. 

He also spoke about civil liberties, equality, mental health, the life situations of LGBTIQ people, and access to medicines, including his work for a derogation to enable continued access in Malta to medicines from the UK. 

MEP Engerer encouraged action at various levels, national, European and even individual through European citizens’ initiatives. 

He stressed the importance of participating in the European elections, to influence Europe’s direction: “With our vote we will also be determining who will lead the European Union and what political path it will take in the coming years.” 

The debate was also interpreted in sign language and broadcast live online on the social media of the European Parliament in Malta. 

This was one of a series of events being organised by the European Parliament Office in Malta to inform and engage the public on the work of the European Parliament and of the Maltese MEPs as the current five-year term comes to an end this year.  These discussions are also part of the EP’s initiative. The next public debate will be with MEP David Casa on the European Disability Card on 9 February at 17.00 at the House of Europe. 


Flash Mob In Sliema? Group Perform On Street

Flash Mob In Sliema? Group Perform On Street
Feb 22 2024 Share

A video uploaded to TikTok by @keepwalkingaround shows what seems to be a Step Up style flashmob in Sliema as a group of dancers perform a routine on a zebra crossing. 


#sliema #maltatiktok #maltafunny #malta #مضحك #طريق #fy #h #korean #japan #funny #dance

♬ الصوت الأصلي – keepwalkingaround

As another person films the routine, the group launch into a synchronised dance routine on the street as another person films from inside a vehicle. 

And we have to admit – these guys got moves!


First Time Buyers Were 21% Of 2022 Residential Property Buyers

First Time Buyers Were 21% Of 2022 Residential Property Buyers
Feb 22 2024 Share

According to the Foundation for Affordable Housing, 21% of 2022’s residential property purchases were first time buyers. 

This suggests that a significant portion of the population is actively entering the market, indicating strong demand for accommodation, reflecting the aspirations and challenges faced by those seeking residence, the foundation said. 

However, the Foundation emphasizes the need to continue working to increase access to homeownership in our country. 

This percentage, while indicating that many Maltese have enough assets to invest in more than one property, also shows the need for a strong rental market with unprecedented levels. Therefore, there will be an increase in properties available for rent, which are not typically targeted towards first-time buyers. 

This new reality, where rental properties are increasing to meet strong demand, will inevitably lead to a lower percentage of tenants buying for the first time when compared to the total number of property purchases. 

Until this new demand normalizes and the market stabilizes and adjusts to modern realities, it is critical to implement measures that increase accessibility and inclusivity in the property market, particularly for those looking to become homeowners for the first time. 

This situation highlights the importance of widespread and coordinated strategies to ensure that every segment of society can benefit from the available opportunities.


THRED Media Founder Jenk Oz Coming To Malta

THRED Media Founder Jenk Oz Coming To Malta
Feb 22 2024 Share

British entrepreneur and Thred Media Visionary Jenk Oz is making his way to Malta for this year’s Business Leaders Malta Conference. 


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A paragon of socail entrepreneurship and youthful dynamism, ‘his enterprise breathes new life into the discourse on youth culture, leveraging the power of media for social transformation. Thred Media, under his stewardship, has become a beacon for Generation Z, championing youth-led movements with a global impact.’

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Jenk’s eloquence has graced the stage of over 85 international conferences, including the distinguished Model United Nations and the Oxford Global Summit for Young Leaders. His TEDx Talks – ‘Ideas Ink.’, ‘Breaking the Pattern’, and ‘Can a “Like” Change the World?’ – have resonated profoundly, addressing the pivotal role of Generation Z in shaping a sustainable future. 

At the “Mind the Gap” conference, Jenk Oz will offer a window into the pulse of Generation Z, weaving a narrative that connects the tapestry of generations through the art of storytelling and innovation. His keynote will not only spotlight the potential of the youngest generation but will also serve as a clarion call for intergenerational collaboration in the relentless pursuit of progress.

This event, hosted by @businessleaders_mlt Malta in collaboration with Malta Daily, aims to bridge generational divides within the professional sphere and beyond, offering insights and strategies for effective cross-generational communication. 

The conference, scheduled for the 15th of March, 2024, at the Mediterranean Conference Centre, promises to be a landmark event, bringing together a panel of distinguished experts to share their knowledge and experience. 

Get your tickets here. 
