MEP Candidate James Ryder Sets Up Billboards Ahead of Election

MEP Candidate James Ryder Sets Up Billboards Ahead of Election
May 3 2024 Share

As the MEP elections draw near, MEP candidate James Ryder isn’t just making headlines for his campaign promises but also for his innovative campaign tactics. Ryder, known for his bold approach to politics, recently  unveiled his latest billboard  amidst the activity that has heated up the past few days.

The billboard, strategically placed in a prominent location, showcases Ryder’s commitment to addressing these pressing issues while navigating the complexities of political discourse.

Ryder, known for his comedy, announced his candidature on April 1st, coincidentally April Fool’s Day. What many thought was a well-worked prank however turned out to be serious, as the comedian said that he was actually going to run for a seat in Brussels.

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Orangutan Seen Applying Plant To Heal Face Wound

Orangutan Seen Applying Plant To Heal Face Wound
May 3 2024 Share

Researchers reported a remarkable instance of an orangutan named Rakus employing a medicinal plant to treat a wound, shedding light on animals’ self-medicating behaviour in the wild.

Rakus, an adult male orangutan residing in Indonesia, was observed plucking and chewing leaves from a plant known for its pain-relieving properties in Southeast Asia.

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Using his fingers, Rakus applied the plant’s juices to an injury on his right cheek, followed by covering the wound with the chewed leaves, resembling a makeshift bandage.

This behaviour, documented in 2022, represents the first recorded instance of a wild animal directly applying potent medicinal plants to self-treat wounds.

While this observation is singular, it underscores the potential for animals to engage in self-medication, a phenomenon previously documented in other primate species like chimpanzees and gorillas.

The study’s findings prompt further inquiry into the evolutionary origins of medicinal practices among animals and their potential implications for understanding human medicine.


Video Source: Isabelle Laumer

Man Arrested After Stabbing Another In Paola

Man Arrested After Stabbing Another In Paola
May 3 2024 Share

On Thursday, a 37-year-old Libyan resident of Żurrieq was apprehended following a stabbing incident in Paola.

The altercation occurred on Triq Ħaż-Żabbar around 9:40 am, involving the suspect and a 47-year-old Syrian resident of Paola.

Subsequent to the dispute, the victim sustained stab wounds from a sharp object. Prompt police intervention led to the arrest of the assailant at Paola square shortly thereafter.

The injured individual was transported to Mater Dei Hospital, where he was diagnosed with severe injuries. Magistrate Ian Farrugia has initiated an inquiry, while police investigations remain ongoing.


db Group Launches Free and Confidential Mental Health Support for Employees

db Group Launches Free and Confidential Mental Health Support for Employees
May 3 2024 Share

In a move to prioritize employee well-being, the db Group has teamed up with local NGO Caritas to offer free mental health support services to its workforce. Over 1,500 employees will benefit from this initiative, which aims to create a safe space for seeking counseling and social work assistance.

The partnership, led by the db Foundation, introduces an Employee Assistance Programme providing access to a wide range of support services. Employees can seek assistance anonymously, with all costs covered by the db Foundation.

In addition to individual counseling, the partnership includes psycho-social education through talks and workshops, fostering a culture of empowerment and understanding within the organization.

Dr. Sandra Sladden, head of the db Group Foundation, emphasized the importance of such programs in today’s world. “It’s both a pleasure and a source of pride to work with Caritas to find the right solution for all the employees of the db Group,” she commented.

Robert Debono, CEO of the db Group, highlighted the company’s commitment to employee well-being. “As a major employer in Malta, it is our responsibility to care for our employees and ensure they get all the support they need,” he said.

Anthony Gatt, Caritas Foundation Director, expressed gratitude for the partnership, stating, “Db Foundation’s support will help Caritas continue to reach the most vulnerable in our society.” With this partnership, the db Group reaffirms its commitment to employee well-being, setting an example for other employers to prioritize mental health support.


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