Meet Malta’s new favourite couple

Oct 18 2020 Share

We’ll try not to be biased, but we simply can’t deny that Kaya & Ike stole everyone’s heart as soon as they went out on stage.

These two young love birds performed a rendition of Elton John’s “Can you feel the love tonight” with a twist, leaving the judges speechless, and even comparing Ike with a mini Owen Leuellen.

Kaya & Ike went home with 4 yeses !


Team Maximum Lock gets 4 yeses

Oct 18 2020 Share

WOW ! Now that is what we call an amazing performance.

Team Maximum Lock certainly brought their A game to the show, and let’s face it – we certainly didn’t expect anything less than amazing.

These guys have been all over the world representing Malta, it was about time that we finally showed them some appreciation on their own soil.


Sarah Zerafa will award her ‘Golden Buzzer’ tonight

Oct 18 2020 Share

Malta’s Got Talent judges are certainly not holding back when it comes to the ‘Golden Buzzer’ as we’ve already seen Ray and Howard award theirs.

Tonight, it’s going to be Sarah Zerafa who will be pressing the ‘Golden Buzzer’ according to Malta’s Got Talent promo for episode 3 which will air tonight.


Malta’s Got Talent episode 3: Here’s what to expect

Oct 18 2020 Share

Tonight, we’ll be seeing the right mixture of talented people who has already made a name for themselves elsewhere and others who are yet to be discovered.

Here’s what we gathered from Malta’s Got Talent promo for episode 3 which will air tonight.

Motorsport lovers rejoice, motorsport is finally getting some spotlight during tonight’s show! Team Maximum Lock is a Maltese stunt and precision driving team which was set up in 2010.

After putting up multiple jaw dropping shows all around the world, it’s time to show the Malta’s Got Talent judges what they’re capable of.

Another act that will be taking the stage tonight is Sofija Anic who will be bringing all her dance moves on the Malta’s Got Talent Stage.

Get ready for another jaw dropping performance.

We don’t know much about Kaya and Ike, all we know is that they’re about to steal your hearts.

Pole dancing, a sport which is considered as a taboo in Malta, will also feature on tonight’s show – with the hope of breaking boundaries and make this sport more accessible and appreciated on the Maltese islands.
