As of October 15, the skies will be introduced to Europe’s newest airline Italia Trasporto Aereo. With just a week to go before the launch and with Alitalia’s floundering over the years, ITA was ruled as a separate company in September by the EU. There has been a lot of debate as to whether ITA was a separate enough entity to take over, and we’ll make do with the scarce information we have. ITA is set to take over most, if not all, of Alitalia’s slots. Alitalia served 94 destinations, with 26 of those being in Italy.
ITA will be starting slow however, with 16 local local destinations, 19 short and medium haul destinations (Malta included), and 2 long haul destinations (Tokyo and New York). March 2022 will see Buenos Aires, Boston and Sao Paolo added, along with Luxembourg, Stuttgart and Florence. Los Angeles is scheduled for summer 2022 along with other European destinations. The company’s press release about its US flights might also imply that it could focus on long-haul business.
The airline also announced it will buy 28 new aircraft and leasing 45 more. The first new jets will enter ITA’s fleet in early 2022, and states that 70% of the fleet will be new-generation eco-friendly aircraft by late 2025. It plans to start with 52 and increase to 105 by 2025. The big question is whether or not the airline will survive, with the short-haul competition being its biggest challenge. With new leadership, zero debt and a new fleet, it might have a better faring chance than Alitalia did.