Massive Valletta March Calling For End To Gaza Massacres

Massive Valletta March Calling For End To Gaza Massacres
Dec 18 2023 Share

A massive march took place in Valletta yesterday condemning the massacres in Gaza and calling for an end to aggression. 

The march started in front of the Prime Minister’s office and took the streets of Valletta through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Justice and the Birth Cave and ended in front of the President’s Palace. 

Attended by former president of Malta Dr. Carrie LaRice Colero Brica and other prominent figures and activists, participants carried coffins in front of the Birth Cave to convey a message that the birth-land has now become a cemetery for thousands. 

Demonstrators held makeshift coffins and ‘bodybags’ of children whilst waving the flag or donning the colours of Palestine. 


Man Slams Bus Driver Perspex For Allegedly Driving Too Far

Man Slams Bus Driver Perspex For Allegedly Driving Too Far
Dec 18 2023 Share

Videos sent to this newsroom show a passenger slamming a bus driver’s protective perspex after they were allegedly, and according to the passenger, not stopped immediately.

It is still currently unclear whether the man simply missed his stop or whether the driver did not stop when requested. 

The man proceeded to slam the perspex which creates a barrier between him and the driver, using very strong language as he tells off the driver for stopping him too far from where he wanted.


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The man also turned towards the other passengers who attempted to calm down his anger, telling them to not get involved.

Another video shows the bus having stopped and a police officer having addressed the situation. MaltaDaily has reached out to the police and other relevant authorities for further information. 

UPDATE: A Malta Public Transport spokesperson informed this newsroom that the incident was reported on 16/12 by the driver and an internal investigation is underway. 

CCTV footage shows that the passenger boarded the bus in Valletta and ‘wanted to get off the bus after the bus passed the Floriana bus stop.’

‘The driver followed procedure by only stopping on the correct bus stop’, with the police arriving shortly after the passenger had left, the spokesperson explained. 

The spokesperson condemned the violent actions by the passenger on the driver who was doing his duty, given that they can only stop on designated bus stops.


Maltese Pigeons Dislike Being Around Modern Buildings

Maltese Pigeons Dislike Being Around Modern Buildings
Dec 18 2023 Share

A study published in Xjenza Online Volume 10 Issue 2 conducted the first investigation into the abundance and distribution of feral pigeons in Malta using the distance sampling technique, correlating findings with urban environmental characteristics. 

Spanning from May to August 2020, surveys covered five districts, revealing sparse but widespread distribution, indicating ubiquity in urban environments across Malta. 

Highest abundance was observed in towns around Valletta, aligning with previous studies suggesting the spread of the Valletta population. 

Distance sampling provided estimates of pigeon abundance in specific urban environments, showing a preference for local centres and public open spaces. 

Factors influencing feral pigeon occurrence included resource distribution (food, water, shelter). Interestingly, modern buildings negatively correlated with abundance. 

Surprisingly, old buildings did not show a significant relationship either. 

The study suggests that the feral pigeon’s affinity for public open spaces in towns, particularly parks, may be influenced by a calmer ambiance offering more feeding opportunities and less stress. 


Maltapost Win Sustainability Award With ‘One Delivery’ Project

Maltapost Win Sustainability Award With ‘One Delivery’ Project
Dec 17 2023 Share

Maltapost plc has been honoured with the Sustainability Award at the Malta National Transport Awards 2023, thanks to the groundbreaking One Delivery Project. 

The initiative is revolutionizing last-mile delivery, reducing fuel consumption, optimizing routes, and embracing cleaner, electric vehicles. 


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The success in the Southeastern and Southern Harbour districts demonstrates their dedication to reducing the carbon footprint and fostering a positive impact on the environment and the community.

With 120 electric vehicles, Maltapost aims to make their delivery systems and services more eco friendly and thus reduce the carbon footprint immensely. 

The project was accompanied by the establishment of 25 lockers around Malta and Gozo which allow people to pick up their deliveries should they not be home when the delivery was attempted. 
