
Marsa mayor call for more police protection for residents

Jul 27 2022 Share

The mayor of Marsa Josef Azzopardi has called for more police protection for residents from “people who frequent Marsa, many of whom are foreigners”, sharing his sentiments in a recent Facebook post.

Azzopardi begins his post by saying that in these last few years a lot of progress has occurred in Marsa when it comes to making enforcement better. This happened with the help of the local council, the police department of Marsa and the district.

Despite these, such efforts are still not enough for Azzopardi who wants even more help from the police when it comes to protecting residents from potentially dangerous people who locate themselves inside Marsa. He also went on to state that this sentiment is shared with all residents and is not something only he thinks should happen.

The mayor ended the post by promising that he will continue to work hard with the police and other local councils in order for better enforcement to make Marsa residents feel safer.


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Study in UK ranks Malta as 7th best country in commuting

Jul 27 2022 Share

While this come may as a shock to a considerable number of local commuters, a recent study carried out by UK based company Uswitch ranked Malta as the 7th best country to live in when it comes to commuting.

The aspects considered when it comes to this study were time taken to get to work and/or school and how expensive that journey might be, amongst others.

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Another aspect taken into consideration was environmental measures, which included the number of electric transport vehicles available and the amount of charging points found along the way. The amount of CO2 emmissions per individual was also recorded.

The study found that the average fuel price per litre came about to be €1.33 whilst the average monthly public transport pass cost is around €25.81.

The study also revealed that the average commute time in Malta happened to be 26 minutes whilst the total number of public charging stations in Malta is 155. The total commute emissions per capita also happened to be 3.0.

Overall Malta was given a score of 6.01 out of 10 when it comes to commute. Do you agree?


Domestic tourism between Malta and Gozo in 2021 produces €80.3 million

Jul 27 2022 Share

The National Statistics Office has revealed that nearly 84% of the tourists that visited the islands of Gozo and Comino in 2021 were in fact Maltese. It was also revealed that the total number of tourists visiting the Maltese sister islands stood at around 435,907 tourists.

Unlike Gozo and Comino where the majority of tourism was domestic, the tourists visiting Malta were 97.5% inbound tourists meaning tourists from other countries.

The total amount of tourists visiting Malta amounted to 962,556 an increase of 47% from 2020. This massive increase was obviously seen because of the lifting of travel restrictions due to Covid-19.

Despite the large increase, tourist arrivals were still a far cry from the 2.7 million  tourists that entered Malta back in 2019.

Domestic tourism increased a lot last year due to the desire to travel by the Maltese but the worry to travel abroad due to Covid-19 issues. This meant that the expenditure spent on luxuries by Maltese families in Gozo and Comino resulted in €80.3 million being generated. This was an increase of over 35% over 2020.

The number of Gozitan residents who travelled to Malta nearly doubled from 2020 t0 2021 from almost 12,00o to 24,309 visitors in 2021. Their expenditure reached around €3.7 million which also was an increase from the €2 million spent in 2020.


WATCH: Paulo Dybala given incredible welcome by Roma fans

Jul 27 2022 Share

Argentine superstar Paulo Dybala was given an incredible welcome by Roma fans in what was one of the most insane transfer announcements ever seen in football.

Dybala was greeted by approximately 8,000 Roma fans at the Square Colosseum, one of the most iconic buildings in Rome.



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Many calcio fans expected that Dybala would receive a warm welcome from Romanisti, but no one expected the welcome to be this massive.

To start off the action packed night Dybala did his trademark celebration, something Roma fans will be hoping to see more of, and thanked the fans for the outstanding atmosphere they created.

The Argentine playmaker than sat down on the steps outside the Palazzo Della Civilta Italiana in awe, as the fans serenaded him with Roma’s club anthem. To make things even better, 50,000 fans were seeing the announcement on a live stream on Roma’s YouTube channel.



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In a press conference later Dybala revealed that he spoke to Roma manager Jose Mourinho before his move, saying “The first thing I asked the coach was what we aim to win, I like to win, him too.”

“Both Mourinho and the club have given me certainties, here there is great confidence and awareness.”

He did however admit that a title push is not expected this season and that there are other Serie A teams more prepared in that regard saying “I think it is too early to talk about the Scudetto, there is a great desire on the part of everyone: Roma won a very important trophy last year to have more ambition in the future.”

“They have grown a lot in recent years thanks to the players they are arrived with Mourinho. Our goal is to win game after game: I think there are teams ahead of us for the Scudetto.”


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