
Man Takes Out Anger on BCRS Station After Machine Does Not Accept Bottles

May 19 2024 Share

Footage sent to Malta Daily shows a man visibly taking out his anger on a security camera at a BCRS Station in Attard after a Reverse Vending Machine failed to accept his bottles, according to an eyewitness.


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The witness reports that the individual, clearly frustrated by an inability to dispose of the bottles, went on to throw a glass bottle at a food delivery courier.

Initiated in November 2022, the BCRS scheme is Malta’s effort towards the European Union’s goal of achieving 100% recycling rates by 2035. While the initiative has received both positive and negative feedback, many have taken to social media to express their frustrations over issues such as bottle deposit problems and unaccepted vouchers.


The Malta Federation of Organizations Persons With Disabilities Promoting Equal Inclusion

May 19 2024 Share

Last weekend MFOPD attended the European Disability Forum’s AGM and conference.

Present at the conference was President of Slovenia Nataša Pirc Musar who stated that “Equal inclusion in society is the basis of democracy”.

The conference explored that in a society founded on the principles of democracy, equal inclusion is not just a value; it’s a fundamental right. However, for persons with disabilities, this right is often challenged by physical, societal, and attitudinal barriers that hinder their full participation in community life.

There are approximately 35,000 people in Malta who have disabilities. Despite this being a large community in the Maltese socirty, many still suffer from inequality and discrimination.

At the MFOPD they are committed to championing the rights of persons with disabilities and promoting a society where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive.


Happy 30th Birthday to Valentina Rossi !

Happy 30th Birthday to Valentina Rossi !
May 18 2024 Share

From hearing her daily on the Nate, Frank & Rossi show, to having her judge on Malta’s Got Talent Season 2, Valentina has achieved a lot in her life. Locals and Internationals adore her for her raw and unfiltered thoughts on her stories as she’s always kept it real with her fans.

Today marks Valentina’s 30th Birthday as she has been building up for her celebration the past week on her Instagram stories, by teasing us with stories of gifts her loved ones have given her.

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On behalf of the MaltaDaily team, we would like to wish you a happy birthday !


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Transforming the Love Monument: Malta’s ‘We Are Positive’ Artivism Initiative

Transforming the Love Monument: Malta's 'We Are Positive' Artivism Initiative
May 18 2024 Share

Malta is taking a bold step in the fight against HIV/AIDS with its ‘We Are Positive’ artivism campaign. Spearheaded by artist Emma Grima and Checkpoint Malta, this initiative aims to normalize HIV testing and sexual health screening services by transforming the iconic Love Monument in St. Julian’s.

Between May 18th and 25th, the Love Monument will be wrapped in striking red hues and adorned with HIV self-test kit boxes. This visually striking intervention coincides with European Testing Week, highlighting the importance of regular testing in combating stigma and reducing transmission rates.

By leveraging art as a tool for awareness, ‘We Are Positive’ encourages conversations, challenges misconceptions, and fosters a community of support. This transformation serves as a call to action for policymakers and society to prioritize comprehensive sexual health education and accessible healthcare services.

As visitors engage with the Love Monument during this transformative week, they become active participants in a movement grounded in love, compassion, and solidarity. Together, Malta is positive that a brighter, healthier future awaits.


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