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Man builds water pram to ‘walk his goldfish’

Man builds water pram to ‘walk his goldfish’
May 10 2022 Share

A Taiwanese YouTuber by the name of Huang Jerry Xiaojie revealed his latest genius creation for anyone who doesn’t want any furry companions at home and opted for some fish instead. 

The man invented a specialised fish tank that allows him to take his goldfish out for a walk. The pram-like contraption has a battery powered filtration system, air pump for oxygen and a lighting system.


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After showing us how he created the machine, he took it out for a stroll. People were, understandably enough, fascinated by the pram and stopped to take photos with it. 


Pro-choice activist assaulted by driver during protest in Aldo Moro Road

Pro-choice activist assaulted by driver during protest in Aldo Moro Road
May 10 2022 Share

As she held a roadside protest on Monday holding a placard for the legalisation of abortion in Malta, professor Isabel Stabile was assaulted by another woman.

Stabile, a gynaecologist and member of Doctors for Choice, was shoved and insulted by a woman. The assailant, Stabile told Times of Malta, got out of her car and approached her.

‘She threatened to call the police. I said nothing’ said Stabile, before revealing that the woman then turned once again to shove her. This prompted the professor to file a police report. 

The assault was publicly denounced by Doctors for Choice, revealing that they decided to wear body cams from now on so that any such incidents will be caught on tape. ‘It is ironic that any pro-lifer should resort to violence to pass on their message’ said Stabile. 


Mixed reactions after PL MP leaves religion out of swearing-in ceremony

Mixed reactions after PL MP leaves religion out of swearing-in ceremony
May 10 2022 Share

Last Sunday, newly elected Labour MP Randolph De Battista decided to not include religion during his turn at the swearing-ceremony in parliament. 

A rare move when considering Maltese political and religious history, De Battista made an oath of allegiance and loyalty to the Republic of Malta and the Constitution. However, the MP did not finish their declaration with ‘so help me God.’

De Battista was also not offered the crucifix for him to kiss by Speaker Anglu Farrugia. The move was met with different views. 

“Randolph De Battista is the only MP out of 79 MPs to declare his loyalty to Malta’s people instead of taking an oath and kissing the cross,” she said. “Randolph represents!”

De Battista did not contest the 2022 election was co-opted into Parliament after the PL executive called a casual election on district 9. After the election, Randolph was appointed Labour CEO, a position he held between 2017 and 2020. 


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38-year-old Joseph Ellul identified as Wasteserv incinerator fatality

38-year-old Joseph Ellul identified as Wasteserv incinerator fatality
May 10 2022 Share

Known by his loved ones and friends as ‘Xlukkajr’, 38-year-old Joseph Ellul was the man identified as the person who died at the Marsa WasteServe incinerator.

According to information provided by, Ellul was attending a lift pulling up several heavy materials and suffered grievous injuries to his head after he was caught up in the same machinery. 

The incident happened at around 9am this morning, with an ambulance convening on site to assist the worker. Unfortunately, Ellul was certified dead. Investigations are still ongoing. 

Tributes to Ellul poured in immediately, offering condolences to his family and utter shock and disbelief at the incident. 

Rest in Peace Joseph. 
