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Man arrested for drug importation and trafficking

Man arrested for drug importation and trafficking
Jun 28 2021 Share

A 62-year-old Canadian man is being held under arrest in connection to importation, trafficking and possession of cannabis. The man was arrested Friday 25th June 2021 by the Malta Police Force’s Drug Squad after being informed that three boxes filled with around 18,000 cigarettes suspected to be illegal cannabis had been imported. The boxes were addressed to the 62-year-old who is a resident of Swieqi. 

Further investigations in his Swieqi residence resulted in the finding of further products made from cannabis extract, with some made from the same material as the imported cannabis. An inquiry was opened up with the man expected to be taken to court today. 


Photo Source: Malta Police Force Communications

Woman seriously injured following traffic accident

Woman seriously injured following traffic accident
Jun 28 2021 Share

Police were informed today at around 8 a.m of a traffic accident which happened in Triq San Guzepp, Rahal Gdid. Preliminary investigations revealed that a 72-year-old woman from the same locality was hit by a vehicle. The Daihatsu car was driven by a 23-year-old man who is also lives in Rahal Gdid. 

The woman was given immediate assistance and taken promptly to Mater Dei hospital. She was later certified to have suffered grievous injuries. Investigations are still ongoing. 


Italy classifies as low-risk zone and drops masks

Italy classifies as low-risk zone and drops masks
Jun 28 2021 Share

Starting June 28th, the whole of Italy became a mask-free zone as the country classifies as a COVID-19 low-risk zone. The first European country to be hit by the pandemic back in 2020, this huge milestone towards normality means that facemarks will no longer be mandatory in outdoor areas. Italy welcomed the news as heatwaves hit Europe. 

All of Italy’s 20 regions are classified as ‘white’, signifying low risk, under the country’s colour coded classification. Infections, hospitalisations and deaths are plummeting in Italy week by week, with the country also being able to welcome tourists from Britain, the European Union, USA and Japan. Of course, quarantine requirements are removed for those who are fully vaccinated or provide proof of negative PCR tests. 


Photo Source: Times of India

The enormous bonfire which welcomes summer in Norway

The enormous bonfire which welcomes summer in Norway
Jun 28 2021 Share

June 21st is the summer solstice and the longest day of the year, marking the start of the sunny and hot summer season. Traditions around solstices have been present since time immemorial. Norwegians welcome the season with a massive celebration called Slinningsbalet, which involves a breathtaking and fiery view.

Celebrated in Alesund, a town sitting on the west coast of the country, a huge bonfire is lit every year on the 24th of June. Since this time of the year marks the time when the sun retreats into darkness, the midsummer fires are believed to reflect the sinking flame of the sun. 

Slinningsbalet forms part of the midsummer (sankthans) celebrations. They are held in honour of the birth of John the Baptist, the preacher who preceded Jesus and lived in the desert on locusts and wild honey. There are however connections with older pagan cultures before the spread of Christianity. 


The celebration takes place by building a huge bonfire, taking around 30 to 40 people several days to build a huge tower of wooden crates. Back in 2010, the tower was a record setting 132.71 feet tall. The tower is set on fire, with the wooden crates falling into the water, having been set up on a small piece of land. 


What is bizarre is the method of lighting – someone sparks a fire which lights a fuse placed in a barrel on top of the tower. The people then climb down as the tower starts to burn. Families and friends gather outside to watch as the crumbling tower ushers in a new seasonal turn. 
