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Man admits to smashing two doors at girlfriend’s apartment

Man admits to smashing two doors at girlfriend’s apartment
Feb 22 2022 Share

A construction contractor from Holland was discharged for six months and ordered to pay damages after he pleaded guilty to smashing two doors at the Gzira apartment where he resides.

This follows an argument with his girlfriend, with inspector Jonathan Ransley arraigning the 30-year-old from Nijmegen, Holland. The man smashed the door to the common areas and the door to the payment, causing a total of €1,515 worth of damage inside the rented Gzira flat.

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Appearing in court with his forearm in a cast, he is understood to have injured himself when a pipe he tried to swing from, when trying to escape from police, gave way. He was charged with criminal damage and wilfully disturbing public peace.

During the interrogation, the accused explained to the police that he had fought with his girlfriend who subsequently locked him out. The lawyer explained how he was a little bit intoxicated, losing his temper but expressed he was sorry for what he has done. 

Having heard both sids in view of the accused’s admission, Magistrate Lanfranco found him guilty and conditionally discharged him for six months. He was also ordered to pay for the damages within that period. 


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Prime Minister promises cheques will be distributed before Election Day

Prime Minister promises cheques will be distributed before Election Day
Feb 22 2022 Share

The tax refund and supplementary cheques which were promised in February shall be distributed before Election Day.

This was revealed by prime minister Robert Abela on Tuesday, saying that 380,000 people will benefit from a total of €70 million. 

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Asked by newsroom Malta Independent about whether the distribution of the two incentives during the campaign can be considered an abuse of power, Abela responded by saying that the distribution of both cheques should not be postponed. 

He said that if ‘we are going to constantly talk about this every time we have distributed such cheques, the whole legislature can be considered as being an election campaign because we were insistent about handing out tax refunds and cheques.’

Before the election was announced, Abela stated that workers and students would be receiving cheques worth €100, with pensioners receiving up to €200 as an incentive to boost Malta’s economy. With this going over and above the tax refunds which will be distributed, the Prime Minister said the constant decrease in tax rates had stimulated more people to work. 

When asked about the PN’s claims that the government was giving tax refunds after having stolen from the people in the payments of income tax, Abela said this was a deliberate spin by the Opposition. 


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€300 yearly grant to parents of students in extra-curricular programmes by PN

€300 yearly grant to parents of students in extra-curricular programmes by PN
Feb 22 2022 Share

Opposition Leader Bernard Grech revealed on Tuesday that a new Nationalist government would be giving a grant of €300 to parents of students under 18 years of age who participate in extracurricular programmes. 

The programme must be registered with an ESG-compliant association of their choice in sectors such as sports, culture, arts and/or performing arts.

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The PN leader explained how the party in government will introduce schemes which would allow parents or guardians to deduct from their taxable income any school fees, fees for extracurricular activities as well as those related to sports. 

Grech said the aim of these proposals for the youth entails incentivising them to practice sports or choose a career in culture and the arts. ‘This is part of the education that a new PN government believes in’ he said. 

He also went on to give further details about another proposal which seeks to reduce the tax rate on the €80,000 for athletes, singers, coaches and others who work and earn a living from such sectors. 

Grech said that the Nationalist Party is addressing these issues, as well as the cost of living situation and mental health, head on whereas the Labour Party is telling the public that that there is nothing that can be done. 


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Over 300,000 outbound flights registered in 2021 by Maltese

Over 300,000 outbound flights registered in 2021 by Maltese
Feb 22 2022 Share

It was revealed that in 2021, well over 300,000 outbound flights were registered by Maltese, showing a significant increase over 2020, the year the pandemic kicked off. 

This means that there was a 54.2% increase over 2020, with travelling to Italy taking the lead in terms of spots Maltese preferred to visit. This also shows how the majority of Maltese preferred European countries. 

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236,132 travelled to EU destinations, while 66,935 travelled to non-EU locations. The main reasons why Maltese traveled during 2021 were to take a holiday following a year of COVID-19 restrictions (despite these extending into the following years) but also to work. 

Educational reasons were also touted as reasons for travel as many wanted to continue their studies abroad. There were also health reasons which required foreign medical aid. 

The National Statistics Office (NSO) revealed that 157,158 used low-cost airlines, whereas 121,660 used other airlines. With 24,249 using sea transport, total nights spent by outbound tourists went up by 71.3%, surpassing 2.8 million nights. 

The total expenditure by outbound tourists between October and December reached up to €101.4 million, equivalent to an average of €823 per person. Most tourists travelling during the fourth quarter were aged between 25 and 44. 


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