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Maltese version of business TV show Shark Tank coming next year!

Maltese version of business TV show Shark Tank coming next year!
Sep 20 2021 Share

Attention all entrepreneurs! Malta is getting its own version of Shark Tank, a hit business reality show which gives aspiring starting entrepreneurs the chance to pitch their dreams in front of a panel of super investors. The program was confirmed by TVM, stating that the exciting show will be airing in April of next year on Sundays at 2pm. This means it will be airing shortly after the third season of X Factor Malta comes to an end.

The Shark Tank format involves entrepreneurs proposing business ideas to a panel of investors, aptly titled the Sharks. These investors can make the dreams of these aspirants become a reality should they decide to invest in their business venture. The Sharks will be on the hunt for interesting business deals which will get them a return on their investment. The show started in the USa and included several business moguls taking on the judging panel. The Maltese sharks are as of yet unknown, but this should give some time for all those aspiring entrepreneurs a chance to come up with something big… this could be their future!

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COVID-19: the search for the origin continues

COVID-19: The Search for the Origin Continues
Sep 20 2021 Share

The origin story for the COVID-19 pandemic is currently one filled with a lack of hard evidence or data, with scientists still searching for how the outbreak occurred. The world is currently approaching a two year mark since the novel coronavirus was detected. There are currently two prevailing theories into how SARS-CoV-2 came to be. The first, called the zoonotic hypothesis, states that the virus spilled over from animals to humans, either directly through a bat or some other intermediary animal. Scientists say that this is the likely origin as 75% of emerging diseases have all done this before. There is still however the theory that the virus leaked from a laboratory.

Throughout much of 2021, the lab leak theory gained momentum. Former director of the US CDC Dr. Robert Redfield told Gupta that he thinks COVID-19 originated from a Wuhan lab in China. The World Health Organization (WHO) released the origins report on March 30th of this year, stating that the previous zoonotic theory was probably correct. Criticism, of course, came pouring in. Many stated that WHO looked really hard at the spillover theory but didn’t really analyze the lab leak hypothesis. The Chinese deny any possibility of any Wuhan lab leaking the virus, but the world is still calling for answers in order to prevent such outbreaks in the future.

Health-centers and clinics to start offering sexual health services

Health-centers and clinics to start offering sexual health services
Sep 20 2021 Share

During a virtual message at the Labour Party’s conference on ‘Renewing Malta Together’, Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne revealed that a number of sexual health services which were previously limited only to Mater Dei will now be offered at health centers and clinics across the country. This means these services will not only be offered at the GU clinic at Mater Dei but will instead reach a broader target of people needing help and assistance through more hubs. This is a very positive move to introduce more sexual health awareness for the island, considering how many see it as lacking in this regard.

The minister revealed that talks are at a very advanced stage to put this into effect. Fearne also revealed that these talks are attempting to have pharmacies open up later on Sundays into the afternoon, as well as address mental health concerns by refurbishing Mount Carmel hospital and stating how the vaccination rollout against COVID-19 was immensely successful. More information regarding these massive changes will be revealed shortly.


Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB, Loop News

Mick Schumacher breaks fan’s hearts in Netflix documentary

Sep 20 2021 Share

The new Michael Schumacher documentary on Netflix ‘Schumacher’ has been making the rounds on social media for certain captivating parts of the film. One of the saddest bits of the piece came in the ending when Michael’s son Mick finally appeared. Mick has been following in his father’s footsteps, making his Formula One debut with Haas this year.



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In the last few minutes of the documentary, viewers will see Michael’s family open up about his tragic incident. Mick’s words went viral on social media as they were heartbreaking. He said “Since the accident, of course, these experiences, these moments that I believe many people have with their parents are no longer present, or to a lesser extent.” “And in my view, that is a little unfair.”

He continued by saying “I think dad and me, we would understand each other in a different way now. Simply because we speak a similar language, the language of motorsport. And that we would have much more to talk about.” “And that’s where my head is most of the time. Thinking that would be so cool, that would be.” He finished up by stating “I would give up everything just for that.”
