Maltese TikToker Henry Galea on his way to 5 million followers

Maltese TikToker Henry Galea on his way to 5 million followers
Aug 15 2021 Share

Maltese TikToker and make-up artist Henry Galea is still going strong as his platform is about to hit the 5 million follower mark. His rise to TikTok stardom has been achieved through stunning make-up work and character design, in which he creates bizarre and yet hyper-realistic personalities from fantasy and brings them to life. 


Wait for it … 🤍🤡 #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #makeup #makeupartist

♬ tatatarararara – holaa

Henry, who forms part of Club House Europe, is also the creator of Heri Cosmetics, which is Malta’s first ever locally produced cosmetics brand. The youth’s innovation and determination are beyond paying off as he pursues his dream professionally locally and with internationally. 


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Congratulations Henry on the pending milestone soon to be achieved! And here’s to 6M!


Photo Source: @henrygaleaaa IG, henrygalea TikTok

WATCH: Shark hunts for ‘lampuki’ near Filfla island

Shark hunts for ‘lampuki’ near Filfla island
Aug 15 2021 Share

A video uploaded to Facebook by Bertu Pace shows a shark of unknown species swimming in the Filfla area in search of ‘lampuki’ (dorado). 

As the fish migrates near the Maltese islands during autumn, sightings of sharks grow more common as they move in to hunt famous ‘lampuki’. The fish have become an immensely popular seafood delicacy for the Maltese, and it seems as though this shark has also developed a taste for it.


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The shark species was not specified apart from certifying that it probably is not a Great White. The shark was also swimming considerably far away from the nearest beaches, and are rarely known to attack humans. 


Photo Source: Bertu Pace FB

7 comic characters with weird or useless super powers

7 comic characters with weird or useless super powers
Aug 15 2021 Share

The Thunderer 

His superhero name might suggest something exciting, but the Thunderer has one of the most useless powers around. A radio operator in his daily life, Jerry Carstairs developed his own costume and uses a microphone which allows him to yell at enemies really loudly. Not only would he just be hurting the villains’ eardrums, but he’ll also hurt civilians in the surrounding area. 


A Marvel X-Men member, Maggot has two gigantic slugs in his stomach which leave his body, eat stuff and then return through their host’s guts to help him grow in size, stamina and speed. Apart from the slugs having to enter his body in super complicated ways, Maggot is rendered utterly useless in a fight whilst the slugs are feasting away. 

Gin Genie

Gin Genie’s superpower would have been amazing as she could generate seismic vibrations and cause earthquakes. However, the catch for her powers to work are that she needs to be utterly drunk for them to work. Her power landed the super heroine on several ‘most offensive’ lists and also made Gin Genie a nightmare of a team mate. 

Arm-Fall-Off Boy

Yep, his powers are exactly what you think they are. A DC invention, Floyd Belkin is a member of the Legion of Superheroes and, when protecting himself, Belkin simply detaches either one of his arms and then beats his enemies with it. Despite allegedly being a powerful weapon, the hero looks rather ridiculous waving his own arm around. 

The Phone Ranger

After A.G. Bell helped a customer with a broken phone, he discovered that the phone had a distress signal from an alien race. Using the technology, he gave himself the ability to telecommunications devices everywhere and be the first responder to 911 calls. However, since this was his only power, he died in the line of duty as he was just an ordinary repairman. 

Hindsight Lad

Foresight is the ability to predict what is to happen the future. Hindsight is, well, the opposite. Now having that as your main superpower doesn’t just make you useless in a fight, but also makes you a know-it-all who just rants about how things could have gone better after a massive hero battle. 

Almighty Dollar

Born J. Pennington Pennypacker, his name already starts to give away his power. What is it you ask? He could shoot loose change shoot out of his wrists. You would think he would use his powers to get crazy rich but no – he took the crime fighting route instead. His team mates also included a guy who could use his stomach as a weapon (what is it with superheroes and stomachs?) and a Korean statistics genius (casual racism alert). 


The UFO Cult and its Tragic Ending

The UFO Cult and its Tragic Ending
Aug 14 2021 Share

On March 26th, 1997 in Rancho Santa Fe, California, 39 people were found dead by mass suicide. They all donned the same uniform; black sweat suit, fresh black-and-white Nike Decades, and an armband patch reading ‘Heaven’s Gate Away Team.’ But what lead to this bizarre and horrific passing of otherwise normal citizens. The answer lies in Heaven’s Gate, founded by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles. 

Heaven’s Gate was considered a new religious movement which incorporated everything from New Age spirituality, Ufology and aspects of Christianity. Applewhite was an unsuccessful singer and teacher at the University of Alabama, having lost his job due to an alleged sexual relationship with a student. Applewhite, met Bonnie Nettles in 1972, after her marriage was starting to fail as she started to hold seances at their house.

The two became the leaders of a cult following called Heaven’s Gate, and took several nicknames for themselves. Some of these included ‘Bo and Peep’, ‘The Two’ and, most notably, ‘Ti and Do’ after the notes on a scale. They ventured across the country, with Applewhite himself getting arrested for trying to steal a car.

Recruiting members along the way, the group was highly influenced by the 1990’s UFO mania and shows such as Star Trek and X-Files. They denounced mainstream religion and developed their own theology and cosmology. Group members all gave themselves three letter names with the suffix ‘-ody’, such as Elaineody or Qstody. 

Nettles sadly died in 1985 of liver cancer, twelve years before the group was to commit its most horrendous act yet. On March 19 to 20 1997, Applewhite taped himself in ‘Do’s Final Exit’ and spoke how a comet passing over Earth would represent the closure of the gate to Heaven. The followers were to use this as their exit from their ‘physical’ bodies. Dubbed the ‘Away Team’, the members filmed themselves stating why they were about to engage in a mass suicide – the clips can be found edited together on YouTube. 

The members took phenobarbital mixed with apple sauce or pudding and then washed it down with vodka. Plastic bags were taped around their head to induce asphyxiation. Mysteriously, all members had a five-dollar bill and three quarters in their uniform pockets. The Nike shoes were chosen because there was an alleged good deal on the shoes. The members died over three successive days, with the later groups managing and sorting out the prior group deaths.

 In an event hauntingly similar to Jones Town, which saw the deaths of 918 people on November 18, 1978, the Heaven’s Gate tragedy captured the attention of many as a cultural fixation on cults captivated the world. But it also serves as a cautionary tale of how everyday individuals can be recruited into such horrific groups and situations. 
