
Maltese MEPS leading push for LGBTIQ+ ‘freedom zone’ EU

Mar 11 2021 Share

MEPS, including Roberta Metsola and Cyrus Engerer, have taken centre stage in the push to make EU an LGBTI ‘freedom zone’ as they push against scapegoating of the community.


Metsola pushed the debate forward in the European Parliament by directing her message at ‘abusers both off and online’ that a safe haven for them is not to be found in the EU. She highlighted her alliance position with the LGBTIQ community.

LGBTIQ Freedom zone

"Today we are here to tell all those in the LGBTIQ community that this is your Europe too. That they do not need to 'adjust to injustice'. To tell all those parents worried about the safety of their #LGBTIQ children, that we have their back. To tell the abusers – both off & online – that they will not find safe haven. " 💪💙 🌈- My speech to the European Parliament as we declare the EU to be a #LGBTIQFreedomZone

Posted by Roberta Metsola on Thursday, 11 March 2021

Engerer made his stance clear by stating that what was achieved in Malta in regards to the LGBTIQ community, he wishes to bring to Europe. He openly confronted the Hungarian Fidesz before taking to Twitter to announce that ‘no one will take us back into the closet. We will not be invisible again.’

Diskors Plenarja – LGBTIQ Freedom Zone

Kull persuna fl-Unjoni Ewropea, għandha jkollha ċ-ċans li tgħix ħajjita kif tixtieq hi, b'drittijiet indaqs irrispettivament mill-identità tagħha. Fuq kollox, dak huwa l-veru sinifikat tal-proġett Ewropew 🇪🇺. Dan kien il-qofol tad-diskors tiegħi lbieraħ fil-Parlament Ewropew. Segwi dak li kelli xi ngħid f'dan il-clip 👇

Posted by Cyrus Engerer on Thursday, 11 March 2021



Baby and girl in Child Protective Service custody, 45 drug sachets found

Mar 11 2021 Share

The Malta Police force have reported that 3 people were arrested after being found in possession of drugs, suspected to be cocaine and heroin. After a report from Child Protection Services about drug trafficking in a residence in Qormi, authorities also found a six-month old baby and a 9 year old girl living in the same residence as 45 sachets of the drugs.

🇲🇹 Tliet persuni ġew arrestati wara li nstabu fil-pussess ta’ droga, allegatament biex tiġi ttraffikata.Wara rapport…

Posted by The Malta Police Force on Wednesday, 10 March 2021

The children are under the temporary care of Child Protection Services with the three people, a 35-year-old woman, a 29-year-old man and a 16-year-old teenager, being questioned by police in regards to drug trafficking.


Elderly advised by doctors union to stay home

Mar 11 2021 Share

As Malta starts to incorporate the new measures implemented on Wednesday 10th March after the influx of cases reaching up to 510, the Medical Association of Malta encourages the elderly especially, along with the majority of the public, to avoid going out and minimise social contact.

With the closure of non-essential shops and gyms from today, and schools on Monday, amongst other measures, MAM stated that the new enforced measures were very much needed. They also highlighted the importance of vaccinating those in need, particularly the elderly, as fast as possible.


New COVID-19 measures announced

Mar 10 2021 Share

Along with the already-established measures, effective from tomorrow until 11th April, shops which provide non-essential products and services such as well as gyms, pools, theatres and museums will be closed.

As from Monday, educational institutions will also close and, like post-secondary institutions, shift to online learning until the end of Easter holidays on 11th.

Weddings and religious ceremonies will also be prohibited while the maximum number of people allowed to gather in public will decrease from 6 to 4 while private gatherings are discouraged. Funerals will be allowed in line with the national health protocol.

It was also announced that travel to Gozo will be restricted only to residents and purely essential activities.

Establishments such as pools, cinemas, gyms, theatres and museums will also be closed while organised sports for all ages have been suspended.

It was also announced that non-urgent surgeries and procedures will be halted until further notice.

This is so that medical workers and staff such as doctors, nurses and anaesthetists can focus their efforts on Intensive Therapy Units and COVID-related wards.

These changes will be made in order to decrease the ever-increasing strain on the health sector following the surge in ITU cases reported earlier today.
