
Maltese man returning from India dies minutes before evacuation flight

Maltese man returning from India dies minutes before evacuation flight
Apr 30 2021 Share

Ivan Barbara, 47, travelled to India to adopt a baby girl but unfortunately contracted COVID-19 while in the country. Unfortunately, Barbara passed away on Friday after developing complications moments before the air-ambulance took off. Barbara was to be transferred to Malta’s ITU for treatment in isolation. He passed away after being transferred onto the plane.

Times of Malta was informed that Barabar’s wife Rosanne and the newly adopted daughter tested negative for the virus, but it is unclear when they can make the voyage to Malta. The couple had travelled in March to adopt the girl but tested positive earlier this month. The news of the passing shocked the entire nation, with even opposition leader Bernard Grech paying tribute to his passing.

Rest In Peace Ivan.

Photo Source: Bernard Grech FB

Three people to be charged for illegal COVID-19 villa party

Three people to be charged for illegal COVID-19 villa party
Apr 30 2021 Share

After footage of an illegal party organised in a villa took social media by storm earlier in April, it has been revealed that three people will be charged in court over the event’s organisations. Mass gatherings are still illegal due to COVID-19 restrictions. Footage however showed several teenagers gathered together partying. A police spokesperson has confirmed to Times of Malta that investigations by police, health authorities and Malta Tourism Authority have identified the three people to be charged accordingly.

Details on what the charges will involve were not disclosed, but investigations have also confirmed that the party was held in Burmarrad. At least two partygoers took to social media to apologise for their behaviour following the social media uproar caused by the leaked footage.


First couple to move into fully 3D-printed house

First couple to move into fully 3D-printed house
Apr 30 2021 Share

A Dutch couple have become the first ever to move into a fully 3D printed house in a new development which backers think will open up choices to housing for the foreseeable future. The retired shopkeeper couple from Amsterdam received a digital key which allows them to open the front door with a button last Thursday. Elize Lutz, 70, and Harrie Dekkers, 67, said that the house is beautiful and feels immensely safe as it strikes them somewhat like a bunker.

The past two years have seen partly 3D constructed properties built around France and the US. This Dutch house however boasts the first 94sq meters of 3D built space which is legally habitable. Chief Executive of Weber Benelux, Bas Huysmans, which is a construction company stated that ‘this is also the first one which is 100% permitted by the local authorities and which is habited by people who actually pay for living in this house.’


Photo Source: The Guardian

No deaths reported for 5 consecutive days

No deaths reported for 5 consecutive days
Apr 30 2021 Share

As measures start to ease and both daily and active COVID-19 cases drop significantly, Malta reports another 5th day with no deaths due to the pandemic. Malta’s total death count has reached up to 413 but, thankfully, no new deaths were reported for 5 days as the number of vaccinated people also increases.

The drop in cases and deaths also signifies an easing of pressure on Malta’s health care system as ITUs in hospitals are receiving less to almost no new COVID-19 patients which require immediate and intensive care compared to previous months. These results show that the measures and vaccination effort put in place are having the desired effects as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic.


Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB, Sahha FB