Maltese Artist Gives Makeover To Eye Sore Signs

Maltese Artist Gives Makeover To Eye Sore Signs
Jan 8 2024 Share

Local ‘Stache Studios’ has taken on the challenge to makeover home made street signs found on Maltese roads and the island’s countryside. 

The artist behind it posted a photo of a red homemade sign on a ‘ħajt tas-sejjieħ’ saying ‘no ħ*ra tal-klieb’ (no dog sh*t). 


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Deciding that the sign did not fully capture the sentiment behind the property owner’s insistence on not having dog excrement left there, Stache created a fresh and colourful new sign.

Leaving the text intact, the new image also features a dog doing its business on a green field crossed out. 

That’s not all Stache comes up with, recreating common Maltese phrases like ‘Jekk taqa nkompli ntik’ into actual images. 


MSPCA Adopts Dogs After Elderly Owner Passes Away

MSPCA Adopts Dogs After Elderly Owner Passes Away
Jan 8 2024 Share

A group of adorable dogs were adopted by the MSPCA after their elderly owner passed away earlier this January. 

‘When I die, what will happen to my animals’, the NGO rhetorically asked online in a statement as they shared photos of the dogs. 

‘To the elderly man who left us a few days ago. Gone in silence. They are safe here. Till you meet again’. 

The comments on the post emphasised the importance of having pets in the care of those who pass away given the appropriate attention they need, with some suggesting that they should be included in the will. 

What do you think?


Cirkewwa Marine Park Features On Channel 5 Uk

Cirkewwa Marine Park Features On Channel 5 Uk
Jan 8 2024 Share

Last Thursday, the Ċirkewwa Marine Park’s work was featured on Channel 5 UK, focusing on the cleanup which was organised in collaboration with Coast is Clear Foundation and St John Ambulance and Rescue. 

‘Our mission is to protect the biodiversity and natural habitats’, the Marine Park said in a statement, ‘while providing an area of high quality to further encourage tourism in Malta.’ 

Channel 5 is set to feature the marine park further on Thursday 18th January at 21:00. 


Maltese Man Salutes Italian Public On ‘Avanti Un Altro’

Maltese Man Salutes Italian Public On 'Avanti Un Altro'
Jan 8 2024 Share

As an episode of the popular Italian game show Avanti un Altro came to a close, a Maltese man was invited to salute the Italian audience and state that it was time for the news.

The man, named Angelo, sat alongside Paolo Bonolis for the final game as Bonolis asked rapid fire questions to the competitor, who had to give the wrong answer to win the sum of money.


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As the episode ended – with the contestant unfortunately unable to make it all the way – Angelo is asked to say, ‘This programme is over and now it is time for the news.’

Angelo’s ‘Dan il-programm spiċċa u issa ha nibdew l-aħbarijiet’ was welcomed with a round of applause, with Bonolis asking ‘spiċċa?’

Do you follow Italian television?
