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Maltashopper Withdraws Ganesha Socks After Hindu Community Protests

Maltashopper Withdraws Ganesha Socks After Hindu Community Protests
Apr 6 2024 Share

Maltashopper, a home decor online store based in Malta, has apologised and removed socks featuring the Hindu deity Lord Ganesha from their inventory.

This action came after protests from the Hindu community, who found the depiction of the deity on socks to be highly disrespectful. David Thake, the chairman of Maltashopper, reached out to Rajan Zed, a Hindu statesman who led the protests, to apologise.

Thake acknowledged the importance of Lord Ganesha in Hinduism and admitted the mistake, promising to learn from the incident.

Rajan Zed, President of the Universal Society of Hinduism, thanked Maltashopper for their swift response. He highlighted the sensitivity of using religious figures in commercial products and suggested that companies should train their senior executives in religious and cultural sensitivity.

Zed emphasised that Lord Ganesha is a revered figure in Hinduism, worshipped as the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles, and should not be trivialised. He also pointed out that Hinduism, as the world’s oldest and third-largest religion, and its symbols should be treated with respect.

Maltashopper had previously described the Ganesha socks as eco-conscious fashion items, priced at €6.95, claiming they represented wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune.


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Cinema Seats Hold Significantly Germs Than Toilets, Study Finds

Cinema Seats Hold Significantly Germs Than Toilets, Study Finds
Apr 6 2024 Share

A recent study has raised concerns about the cleanliness of cinema seats and cupholders, revealing that they can hold significantly more bacteria and mold than previously thought.

Researchers conducted swab tests in five UK cinemas, comparing the levels of bacteria on cinema seats and cupholders to those on toilet seats. The findings were startling: a single cinema seat could host an average of 1,864 bacteria colonies, which is 14 times more than the average toilet seat. Cupholders were found to be even dirtier, with an average of 2,396 bacteria colonies, 18 times more than on a toilet seat.

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The study identified several types of microbes commonly found in cinemas, including Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas, along with mold in at least one cupholder. Although these bacteria are usually harmless and present in most environments, their high concentration in public cinemas is concerning.

Experts suggest practical measures to reduce the risk of bringing these germs home, such as washing hands, removing shoes, and changing clothes after visiting a cinema.

This investigation into cinema hygiene highlights the importance of regular cleaning and personal hygiene practices, especially in public spaces frequented by large numbers of people.


Nationalist Party MP Julie Zahra Finds Broken Chair On Car’s Roof

Nationalist Party MP Julie Zahra Finds Broken Chair On Top of Car
Apr 6 2024 Share

Nationalist Party MP Julie Zahra reported an unusual incident on Facebook this Saturday morning, revealing that a broken wooden chair was found atop her car.

In the post, Zahra shared a photograph of the chair, commenting, “I came to start my day and I found this half-of-a-chair on my car’s roof.” The circumstances under which the chair ended up on her vehicle remain unclear, with no indication whether it was deliberately placed or accidentally thrown.

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The incident prompted speculation among Zahra’s Facebook followers and the wider public. As of now, the motive or individual behind placing the chair on the MP’s car has not been identified.


Vases & Clock Worth €13,000 Missing from Grand Master’s Palace

Apr 6 2024 Share

A police investigation has been launched regarding a number of items that disappeared from the Grand Master’s Palace in Valletta.

Heritage Malta, the national agency for Malta’s cultural heritage, noticed that three vases and a clock, worth an accumulated total of around €13,000 were missing.

The police, together with Heritage Malta officials, are reviewing security footage to attempt to uncover the reason behind the items’ disappearance. It’s remains unknown when these items were taken.

On Thursday, Notary and former Speaker of the House Myriam Spiteri Debono was sworn in as Malta’s 11th President, with a ceremony being held at the Grandmaster’s Palace.
