Malta’s Got Talent and X-Factor are here to stay

Malta's Got Talent and X-Factor are here to stay
Mar 31 2021 Share

For another episode of Malta Daily ALL IN we managed to get an insider look at the production and immense work that goes into building up Malta’s Got Talent. Interviewing several members of production, marketing, creative direction and the judges themselves, it seems that the format of Malta’s Got Talent, along with X-Factor, will become a mainstay of Maltese television.

All In – Malta's Got Talent.

For this episode of Malta Daily ALL IN, we visited the set of Malta’s Got Talent and got an inside look at the island's biggest television production. 📺Sunday nights and MGT became a weekly tradition – WATCH THIS VIDEO and find out how it was made. 👀#MaltaDailyAnton Attard | Mark Grech | Steven Levi Vella | Sarah Zerafa | Howard Keith Debono | Ray Attard | Maxine Aquilina

Posted by Malta Daily on Wednesday, 31 March 2021

The year Malta’s Got Talent was produced proved to be more difficult due to COVID-19, but everyone rolled up their sleeves and managed to give Malta a spectacular series of shows. The two formats will continue to give more artists and talented individuals a chance to showcase their skills in the coming years. And here is to hoping that the pandemic will soon pass so that audiences can marvel at the marvellous work done live!


Sylvester Stallone working on Rocky prequel TV series

Sylvester Stallone working on Rocky prequel TV series
Mar 31 2021 Share

The iconic character Rocky Balboa will be given new life in an upcoming prequel TV series in the works by Sylvester Stallone. The series will take viewers back in time to show Rocky’s origins as he makes his way to become the legendary boxer he is most known as. The actor took to Instagram to announce and show a sketch of the work in progress.

Calling it the strangest post yet, Stallone is aiming for an ideal 10 episodes for a few seasons which will serve to really delve deep into the characters in their younger years. The post is simply a small part of his creative process, Stallone stated, and showcases several historical moments from the 1960s which are to be highlighted in the series such as the Moon landing, the Hippie Movement and the Cold War. Are you excited for this new series?


Prime Minister Robert Abela’s message on Freedom Day

Prime Minister Robert Abela’s message on Freedom Day
Mar 31 2021 Share

With the 31st of March marking Malta’s national holiday Freedom Day, Prime Minister Robert Abela recalls how Malta worked its way to become an independent and sovereign nation free from British rule. Abela stated that freedom is a goal that we must all work on everyday and that looking back into Malta’s past we can appreciate the long journey undertaken by the Maltese.

Messaġġ mill-Prim Ministru, Robert Abela f’Jum il-Ħelsien.

Messaġġ mill-Prim Ministru, Robert Abela f’Jum il-Ħelsien.

Posted by Robert Abela on Wednesday, 31 March 2021

The Prime Minister highlighted how the road to 31st March 1979 was paved by the building of an economy that allowed the nation to think for itself. Apart from highlighting the various reforms, Abela expressed his sorrow at the fact that for yet another year COVID-19 did not allow the population to gather and celebrate freedom together. He concludes, however, that once the world is free of the pandemic, Malta will be ready to present plans to move forward.


‘Increased taxes would be a cardinal mistake’ says Minister Clyde Caruana

'Increased taxes would be a cardinal mistake' says Minister Clyde Caruana
Mar 31 2021 Share

Asked by Mark Laurence Zammit about the next budget, Minister Clyde Caruana stated that there will be no increased taxes for Malta’s upcoming budget. Stating that what the government needs to gather will in fact be gathered, Caruana however added that it will be a cardinal mistake if Malta were to increase taxes.

Il-Ministru Clyde Caruana qal li minkejja l-pandemija, il-baġit li ġej se jerġgħa jkun bla taxxi.

Posted by Xarabank on Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Caruana expressed his disagreement with various countries’ decisions to increase taxes. He stated how countries that did take this course of action had to spend around 8 to 10 years to regrow their economy. He said this is a lesson for all to learn from and that the next budget will give Malta’s economy the open space it needs. He concluded that after the advent of COVID-19, some countries will have accumulated immense debt and thus struggle economically whereas Malta will not for not having the same amount of debt.
