A number of Maltese environmental NGOs have expressed their concern with the Nationalist & Labour Party’s failure to fix in on protecting local biodiversity in their electoral manifestos.
Made up of seven green NGOs, the members stated that Malta is already the most ‘built-up’ state in the European Union and the issues of habitat loss and maritime area protection must be tackled urgently.

In their respective electoral manifestos, the Nationalist Party is pledging to demarcate 50,000 square metres of land into ODZ every year whilst the Labour Party promises to invest €700 million on the development of urban ‘green lungs’ over a period of five years. The NGOs concerned are BirdLife Malta, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Nature Trust-FEE Malta and Ramblers Association of Malta.
The seven NGOs have stated that while urban green areas are needed, they do not counteract the destruction of natural habitat, going on to appeal to political parties to commit to Malta’s environment and the necessary measures, remove ODZ loopholes, end derogations of the EU’s Birds Directive and stop land reclamation plans, amongst others.
Do you agree with the NGOs?