Malta’s Eddie Fresco hits the studio with major rappers Lil Skies & Lil Gnar

Jul 10 2023 Share

For the past years, Maltese rapper Eddie Fresco has been riding a wave of momentum which shows no signs of slowing down, and his latest session at the studio truly shows how far he has come.

From performing shows across Europe to warming up for UK phenomenon Central Cee, Fresco’s most recent massive moment comes in the form of a studio sesh with major rappers Lil Skies & Lil Gnar.

Re-sharing a candid video showing Fresco, Skies & Gnar with a few acquaintances in the studio, Eddie followed up by writing “from an island of 400,000 people to sharing a studio with artists I came up listening to.”

Beyond being an emotional moment for Fresco himself, it truly is fascinating and heart-warming to see a Maltese artist rub shoulders with artists like Lil Skies & Lil Gnar who have millions of streams.


Love Island fan returns from England with custom ‘Relax Bello’ M&M’s

Love Island fan returns from England with custom 'Relax Bello' M&M's
Jul 10 2023 Share

After the Love Island Malta final, Dale’s ‘Relax Bello’ movement continues to make some major waves, with a fan returning from England with some custom M&M’s.

The fan, who’s identity was concealed, wrote to Dale revealing that he “went to England for 1 reason, to get custom ‘Relax Bello’ M&M’s”, going to to say that he hopes he likes them!

Ever the sport, Mallia wrote back to the fan with a classic ‘Love You Bello’ as he re-shared the interaction.

What could we see next from the Maltese Love Island fanbase?


Buġibba Residents Left In Dust And Dirt, Says ADPD

Buġibba Residents Left In Dust And Dirt, Says ADPD
Jul 9 2023 Share

On Saturday evening, concerned residents of St Paul’s Bay gathered in Buġibba square to voice their discontent with the deteriorating state of their beloved hometown, which they described as resembling a “pigsty.”

Speaking to the media, Sandra Gauci, a resident of St Paul’s Bay and the leader of ADPD, expressed strong criticism towards the unchecked development that seemed to prioritize financial gain over the well-being of the community. She bemoaned the fact that every available corner and open space was being handed over to developers who displayed little consideration for the residents, resulting in an environment plagued by dust, dirt, and incessant noise.

Gauci brought attention to the deplorable condition of the public pavements, which were frequently littered with garbage, as well as the persistent disturbance caused by bars. She emphasized how the relentless pursuit of business interests had turned the residents into victims of excessive development. “We are exhausted from being treated as mere pawns by those who see St Paul’s Bay solely as a profit-making venture, completely disregarding the welfare of the residents,” she declared.

Also present at the gathering was Rosemarie Calleja, a lecturer and fellow resident of St Paul’s Bay, who shed light on the ongoing plans to further develop the struggling locality. She revealed a project proposed by the health ministry and Joseph Portelli, which entailed the construction of a regional health center along with an adjacent hotel.

Unfortunately, this development would lead to the demolition of a skate park and historic military structures dating back to the British era. Moreover, a 120-car parking lot was slated to be replaced by a four-story underground facility capable of accommodating over 850 vehicles. Calleja cautioned that such a surge in traffic would result in chaos within the area.

During her speech, Gauci drew attention to the dilapidated state of the pavements, which were constantly overwhelmed with overflowing garbage bags. She remarked, “Where once a single family resided, now ten people call it home.” Gauci expressed her disappointment with the neglect suffered by St Paul’s Bay, despite Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s promise to rejuvenate Buġibba square before the election.

She highlighted the discrepancy between the square being hailed as a “beautiful piazza” and its current state as a “monument to ugliness,” devoid of any aesthetic considerations or thoughtful planning. “Buildings of all shapes and sizes are erected side by side, as long as someone profits,” she lamented.


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Women More Comfortable Discussing Sex With Friends In Malta

Women More Comfortable Discussing Sex With Friends In Malta
Jul 9 2023 Share

According to new data published by Sex Clinic by Willingness, it was found that despite there being a marginal difference, men and women were comfortable talking sex with their partner, with a difference of only 0.03 for men (higher).

Older individuals were found to be less comfortable talking about sex compared to younger individuals. Those aged 66 and above had an average comfort rating of 4.09, while those aged 56 to 65 scored slightly higher at 4.11. In contrast, individuals between 26 and 35 years old scored the highest at 4.68.

Civil status also played a role in comfortability. Participants in a relationship felt more at ease discussing sex with their partners, scoring 4.65, compared to separated or divorced individuals who scored 4.50. Married individuals had a slightly lower score of 4.25.

Geographically, people residing in the Northern region (4.58) and Northern Harbour region (4.54) exhibited higher comfort levels discussing sex with their partners compared to those in the Southern Harbour region (4.07). 

Regarding activity status, students or the unemployed had lower comfort levels (3.00) when discussing sex, while pensioners scored the highest at 4.47, followed closely by working individuals at 4.49.

Education level also influenced comfortability. Participants with a tertiary-level education scored the highest (4.69), followed by those with a post-secondary-level education (4.48) and secondary-level education (4.27). 

Participants with a primary-level education had the lowest average score (3.00), followed by those with a trade-school-level education (3.67).

In terms of discussing sex with friends, the study found that participants had an average comfort score of 3.37 out of 5. 

Females showed a higher mean (3.48) compared to males (3.26). Younger individuals also felt more comfortable discussing sex with friends, with those aged 18-25 scoring 4, followed by 26-35 (3.90), 36-45 (3.50), 46-55 (3.54), 56-65 (3.20), and 66+ (2.07).

Among different marital statuses, individuals in a relationship felt the most comfortable discussing sex with friends (4.06), while widowed individuals felt the least comfortable (1.83). 

Single individuals scored an average of 3.47, and married individuals had a score of 3.16. Separated, divorced, or annulled individuals scored 3.31.

In terms of education levels, primary school graduates were the least comfortable discussing sex (1.70), while those with higher education showed the highest comfort levels (3.84).

Regarding activity status, students or the unemployed felt more comfortable discussing sex (3.75) compared to others engaged in domestic tasks or work. Pensioners were the least comfortable (2.0).

Find the full survey here.


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