Malta’s anti-money laundering systems passes crucial Moneyval test

Malta's anti-money laundering systems passes crucial Moneyval test
Apr 29 2021 Share

Following nationwide concerns of failing a review by money-laundering and financial terrorism watchdog Moneyval and potential grey-listing by the Financial Action Task Force, Malta has passed a review by the European Committee.

Moneyval had investigated whether Malta had taken technical and legal action based on the board’s recommendations since September 2019 and ruled in favour of the country’s performance.

The country had implemented multiple changes to clamp down on money laundering activities, with the Malta Police Force increasing its manpower threefold within the financial crimes unit.


Photo Source: Europe Human Rights Watchdog

Melvin Theuma says Yorgen Fenech is sole mastermind of Caruana Galizia murder

Melvin Theuma says Yorgen Fenech is sole mastermind of Caruana Galizia murder
Apr 29 2021 Share

During today’s compilation of evidence against the Agius brothers known as “tal-Maksar” and their associates, Caruana Galizia murder middleman Melvin Theuma pointed his finger to Yorgen Fenech as the sole middleman of the journalist’s murder in 2017.

During the three-hour testimony, Theuma also stated that both Fenech and Johann Cremona had named former Economy Minister Chris Cardona in connection to the assassination.

Theuma went on to recall that Mario Degiorgio had told him that Cardona had paid €350,000 to murder Caruana Galizia, but stated that he cannot report Cardona’s involvement under oath since the information came from third parties.


4th day without deaths as Malta’s active case number continues to drop

Apr 29 2021 Share

Today’s daily COVID-19 report published by the Health Ministry revealed 27 new cases with 31 recoveries as Malta reaches its fourth consecutive day without a COVID-related death.

Meanwhile, active case numbers continue to drop as the total number active cases is currently 370, only one day after dropping below 400.

So far, 326, 934 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were administered with 104,464 being second doses as Malta continues its battle against the pandemic.


Persons of trust in ministries considered as frontliners for vaccine

Persons of trust in ministries considered as frontliners for vaccine
Apr 29 2021 Share

Six ministries have confirmed that persons of trust in their departments are considered to be frontliners according to the established regulations.

This was revealed via parliamentary reply to David Thake with these six ministries being the Ministry for Education; the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure; the Ministry for Home Affairs; the Ministry for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development; the Ministry for Solidarity and Family and the Ministry for the Elderly and Active Ageing.

This means that these individuals are eligible to jump the list for vaccination with the Health Ministry failing to provide an answer to the question and seven other ministries saying it was not their recommendation to get their persons of trust vaccinated.
